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libElysianVMU 1.6.0
Full-featured, accurate, cross-platform library emulating the Dreamcast's Visual Memory Unit
First byte of all opcodes.
Collection of defines used to identify the opcode of a particular instruction by its first byte.
#define EVMU_OPCODE_ADD 0x82 |
#define EVMU_OPCODE_ADD_IND 0x84 |
#define EVMU_OPCODE_ADDC 0x92 |
#include <evmu_isa.h>
Add direct byte and carry flag to accumulator.
Definition at line 81 of file evmu_isa.h.
#define EVMU_OPCODE_ADDC_IND 0x94 |
#include <evmu_isa.h>
Add indirect byte and carry flag to accumualtor.
Definition at line 82 of file evmu_isa.h.
#define EVMU_OPCODE_ADDCI 0x91 |
#include <evmu_isa.h>
Add imediate byte and carry flag to accumulator.
Definition at line 80 of file evmu_isa.h.
#define EVMU_OPCODE_ADDI 0x81 |
#define EVMU_OPCODE_AND 0xe2 |
#define EVMU_OPCODE_AND_IND 0xe4 |
#define EVMU_OPCODE_ANDI 0xe1 |
#define EVMU_OPCODE_BE 0x32 |
#include <evmu_isa.h>
Compare direct byte to accumulator and branch near relativa address if equal.
Definition at line 56 of file evmu_isa.h.
#define EVMU_OPCODE_BE_IND 0x34 |
#include <evmu_isa.h>
Compare indirect byte to accumulator and branch near relative address if equal.
Definition at line 57 of file evmu_isa.h.
#define EVMU_OPCODE_BEI 0x31 |
#include <evmu_isa.h>
Compare immediate byte to accumulator and branch near relative address if equal.
Definition at line 55 of file evmu_isa.h.
#define EVMU_OPCODE_BN 0x88 |
#include <evmu_isa.h>
Branch near relative address if direct bit is zero ("negative")
Definition at line 78 of file evmu_isa.h.
#define EVMU_OPCODE_BNE 0x42 |
#include <evmu_isa.h>
Compare direct byte to accumulator and branch near relative address if not zero.
Definition at line 60 of file evmu_isa.h.
#define EVMU_OPCODE_BNE_IND 0x44 |
#include <evmu_isa.h>
Compare indirect byte to accumulator and branch near relative address if not zero.
Definition at line 61 of file evmu_isa.h.
#define EVMU_OPCODE_BNEI 0x41 |
#include <evmu_isa.h>
Compare immediate byte to accumulator and branch near relative address if not zero.
Definition at line 59 of file evmu_isa.h.
#define EVMU_OPCODE_BNZ 0x90 |
#include <evmu_isa.h>
Branch near relative address if accumulator is not zero.
Definition at line 79 of file evmu_isa.h.
#define EVMU_OPCODE_BP 0x68 |
#include <evmu_isa.h>
Branch near relative address if direct bit is one ("positive")
Definition at line 70 of file evmu_isa.h.
#define EVMU_OPCODE_BPC 0x48 |
#include <evmu_isa.h>
Branch near relative address if direct bit is one ("positive") and clear.
Definition at line 62 of file evmu_isa.h.
#define EVMU_OPCODE_BR 0x01 |
#define EVMU_OPCODE_BRF 0x11 |
#define EVMU_OPCODE_BZ 0x80 |
#include <evmu_isa.h>
Branch near relative address if accumulator is zero.
Definition at line 74 of file evmu_isa.h.
#define EVMU_OPCODE_CALL 0x08 |
#define EVMU_OPCODE_CALLF 0x20 |
#define EVMU_OPCODE_CALLR 0x10 |
#define EVMU_OPCODE_CLR1 0xc8 |
#define EVMU_OPCODE_DBNZ 0x52 |
#include <evmu_isa.h>
Decrement direct byte and branch near relative address if indirect byte is not zero.
Definition at line 65 of file evmu_isa.h.
#define EVMU_OPCODE_DBNZ_IND 0x54 |
#include <evmu_isa.h>
Decrement indirect byte and branch near relative address if indirect byte is not zero.
Definition at line 66 of file evmu_isa.h.
#define EVMU_OPCODE_DEC 0x72 |
#define EVMU_OPCODE_DEC_IND 0x74 |
#define EVMU_OPCODE_DIV 0x40 |
#include <evmu_isa.h>
Divide accumulator and C register by B register.
Definition at line 58 of file evmu_isa.h.
#define EVMU_OPCODE_INC 0x62 |
#define EVMU_OPCODE_INC_IND 0x64 |
#define EVMU_OPCODE_JMP 0x28 |
#define EVMU_OPCODE_JMPF 0x21 |
#define EVMU_OPCODE_LD 0x02 |
#define EVMU_OPCODE_LD_IND 0x04 |
#define EVMU_OPCODE_LDC 0xc1 |
#include <evmu_isa.h>
Load code byte relative to TRR to accumulator.
Definition at line 93 of file evmu_isa.h.
#define EVMU_OPCODE_LDF 0x50 |
#define EVMU_OPCODE_MOV 0x22 |
#define EVMU_OPCODE_MOV_IND 0x24 |
#include <evmu_isa.h>
Move immediate data to indirect byte.
Definition at line 52 of file evmu_isa.h.
#define EVMU_OPCODE_MUL 0x30 |
#include <evmu_isa.h>
Multiply accumulator and C register by B register.
Definition at line 54 of file evmu_isa.h.
#define EVMU_OPCODE_NOP 0x00 |
#define EVMU_OPCODE_NOT1 0xa8 |
#define EVMU_OPCODE_OR 0xd2 |
#define EVMU_OPCODE_OR_IND 0xd4 |
#define EVMU_OPCODE_ORI 0xd1 |
#define EVMU_OPCODE_POP 0x70 |
#define EVMU_OPCODE_PUSH 0x60 |
#define EVMU_OPCODE_RET 0xa0 |
#define EVMU_OPCODE_RETI 0xb0 |
#define EVMU_OPCODE_ROL 0xe0 |
#define EVMU_OPCODE_ROLC 0xf0 |
#include <evmu_isa.h>
Rotate accumulator left through carry flag.
Definition at line 106 of file evmu_isa.h.
#define EVMU_OPCODE_ROR 0xc0 |
#define EVMU_OPCODE_RORC 0xd0 |
#include <evmu_isa.h>
Rotate accumulator right through the carry flag.
Definition at line 97 of file evmu_isa.h.
#define EVMU_OPCODE_SET1 0xe8 |
#define EVMU_OPCODE_ST 0x12 |
#define EVMU_OPCODE_ST_IND 0x14 |
#include <evmu_isa.h>
Store indirect byte from accumulator.
Definition at line 48 of file evmu_isa.h.
#define EVMU_OPCODE_STF 0x51 |
#define EVMU_OPCODE_SUB 0xa2 |
#include <evmu_isa.h>
Subtract direct byte from accumulator.
Definition at line 85 of file evmu_isa.h.
#define EVMU_OPCODE_SUB_IND 0xa4 |
#include <evmu_isa.h>
Subtract indirect byte from accumulator.
Definition at line 86 of file evmu_isa.h.
#define EVMU_OPCODE_SUBC 0xb2 |
#include <evmu_isa.h>
Subtract direct byte and carry flag from accumulator.
Definition at line 90 of file evmu_isa.h.
#define EVMU_OPCODE_SUBC_IND 0xb4 |
#include <evmu_isa.h>
Subtract indirect byte and carry flag from accumulator.
Definition at line 91 of file evmu_isa.h.
#define EVMU_OPCODE_SUBCI 0xb1 |
#include <evmu_isa.h>
Subtract immediate byte and carry flag from accumulator.
Definition at line 89 of file evmu_isa.h.
#define EVMU_OPCODE_SUBI 0xa1 |
#include <evmu_isa.h>
Subtract immediate byte from accumulator.
Definition at line 84 of file evmu_isa.h.
#define EVMU_OPCODE_XCH 0xc2 |
#include <evmu_isa.h>
Exchange direct byte with accumulator.
Definition at line 94 of file evmu_isa.h.
#define EVMU_OPCODE_XCH_IND 0xc4 |
#include <evmu_isa.h>
Exchange indirect byte with accumulator.
Definition at line 95 of file evmu_isa.h.
#define EVMU_OPCODE_XOR 0xf2 |
#define EVMU_OPCODE_XOR_IND 0xf4 |
#define EVMU_OPCODE_XORI 0xf1 |