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libElysianVMU 1.6.0
Full-featured, accurate, cross-platform library emulating the Dreamcast's Visual Memory Unit
Listing and information on all known SFRs.
Address | Name | Description |
100 | ACC | Accumulator |
101 | PSW | Program Status Word |
102 | B | B Register |
103 | C | C Register |
104 | TRL | Table Reference (Low Byte) |
105 | TRH | Table Reference (High Byte) |
106 | SP | Stack Pointer |
107 | PCON | Power Control |
108 | IE | Interrupt Enable Control |
109 | IP | Interrupt Priority Control |
10A | ||
10B | ||
10C | ||
10D | EXT | External Memory Control |
10E | OCR | Oscillation Control Register |
10F | ||
110 | T0CNT | Timer 0 Control |
111 | T0PRR | Timer 0 Prescalar Reload |
112 | T0L | Timer 0 Low Byte |
113 | T0LR | Timer 0 Low Byte Reload |
114 | T0H | Timer 0 High Byte |
115 | T0HR | Timer 0 High Byte Reload |
116 | ||
117 | ||
118 | T1CNT | Timer 1 Control |
119 | ||
11A | T1LC | Timer 1 Low Compare Data |
11B | T1L/T1LR | Timer 1 Low Byte (Value or Reload) |
11C | T1HC | Timer 1 High Compare Data |
11D | T1H/T1HR | Timer 1 High Byte (Value or Reload) |
11E | ||
11F | ||
120 | MCR | Mode Control |
121 | ||
122 | STAD | Start Address |
123 | CNR | Character Number Register |
124 | TDR | Time Division Register |
125 | XBNK | XRAM Bank Address |
126 | ||
127 | VCCR | LCD Contrast Control Register |
128 | ||
129 | ||
12A | ||
12B | ||
12C | ||
12D | ||
12E | ||
12F | ||
130 | SCON0 | SIO0 Control |
131 | SBUF0 | SIO0 Buffer |
132 | SBR | SIO Baud Rate Generator |
133 | ||
134 | SCON1 | SIO1 Control |
135 | SBUF1 | SIO1 Buffer |
136 | ||
137 | ||
138 | ||
139 | ||
13A | ||
13B | ||
13C | ||
13D | ||
13E | ||
13F | ||
140 | ||
141 | ||
142 | ||
143 | ||
144 | P1 | Port 1 Latch |
145 | P1DDR | Port 1 Data Direction Register |
146 | P1FCR | Port 1 Function Control Register |
147 | ? | Bits[0-6]: Logic High, Bit[7]: R/W |
148 | ? | BIOS writes once with 0x00 on startup |
149 | ||
14A | ||
14B | ||
14C | P3 | Port 3 Latch |
14D | P3DDR | Port 3 Data Direction Register |
14E | P3INT | Port 3 Interrupt Control |
14F | ||
150 | ||
151 | ? | BIOS sets bit 5 only |
152 | UNUSED | |
153 | ||
154 | FPR | Flash Program Register |
155 | ? | BIOS writes once with 0xFF |
156 | ||
157 | ||
158 | ||
159 | ||
15A | ||
15B | ||
15C | P7 | Port 7 Latch |
15D | I01CR | External Interrupts 0-1 Control |
15E | I23CR | External Interrupts 2-3 Control |
15F | ISL | Input Signal Selection |
160 | MPLSW | Maple Status Word |
161 | MPLSTA | Maple Start Transfer |
162 | MPLRST | Maple Reset |
163 | VSEL | VMS Control Registers |
164 | VRMAD1 | Work RAM Access Address 1 |
165 | VRMAD2 | Work RAM Access Address 2 |
166 | VTRBF | Send/Receive Buffer |
167 | VLREG | Maple Word Length Registration |
168 | ||
169 | ||
16A | ||
16B | ||
16C | ||
16D | ||
16E | ||
16F | ||
170 | ||
171 | ||
172 | ||
173 | ||
174 | ||
175 | ||
176 | ||
177 | ||
178 | ||
179 | ||
17A | ||
17B | ||
17C | ||
17D | ||
17E | ||
17F | BTCR | Base Time Control Register |
8-bit register used as the implicit target register for most instructions and operations, such as arithmetic computation, transfers, I/O, and more.
PSW consists of flags for the results of arithmetic instruction execution as well as for specifying RAM banks and indirect address registers.
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
CY | AC | IRBK1 | IRBK0 | OV | RAMBK0 | P |
CY (bit 7): Carry Flag
Set when carrying from the MSB after an addition or when a borrow to the MSB occurs after an addition. Otherwise, the flag is reset. The flag is also modified by rotation instruction staht include CY.
AC (bit 6): Auxiliary Carry Flag
Set when bit 3 of the accumulator propagates over to the next higher digit as a carry or to the next lower digit as a borrow. Otherwise it is reset.
IRBKx (bits 3-4): Indirect Address Register Bank
Specifies which of the 4 register banks to use as indirect address registers when using indirect addressing. See Indirect Addressing for more information.
OV (bit 2): Overflow Flag
Set when an overflow occurs in addition or subtraction. Also set when the result of a multiplication is greater than 256 or division by zero is performed.
RAMBK0 (bit 1): RAM Bank
Specifies the current RAM bank for data access. Bank 0 contains the stack and is reserved for use by the system BIOS while Bank 1 is general purpose application RAM. See Memory Map for more information.
P (bit 0): Parity Flag
Set when the total number of bits set within the accumulator is an odd number. Reset to 0 when the total number of bits set within the accumulator is even. Read-only.
Used in combination with ACC and the C Register for sourcing and storing data with arithmetic operations.
Used in combination with ACC and the B Register for sourcing and storing data with arithmetic operations.
TRL and TRH combine to form a single 16-bit register, TRR, which is used for ROM and flash addressing. The LDC instruction adds TRR register to the value stored within the ACC to form a target address for loading data into the accumulator. The BIOS's flash subroutines (read/write) also use TRR for determining which address to target within the specified bank.
Used to point to the last filled address within the stack region of RAM bank 0. It is incremented before moving data onto the stack with a PUSH instruction and is decremented after fetching data from the stack with the POP instruction.
Used to suspend the CPU and its peripherals to reduce power consumption. These bits are automatically reset when execution is resumed.
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
HOLD (bit 1): Suspend CPU and Timers
When set to 1, puts the VMU into a deep sleep, stopping the CPU, all timers, and all oscillators. Only an external interrupt or reset will cause operations to resume. Not in the official documents and will cause the BIOS to no longer maintain the proper time, since the base timer is halted.
HALT (bit 0): Halt CPU
When set to 1, stops CPU instruction exection while allowing timers and all other peripherals to continue operating normally. Any interrupt will wake the CPU up and break resume execution.
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
IE7 | IE1 | IE0 |
IE7 (bit 7): Master Interupt Enable
When set to 1, all interrupt requests are enabled. When reset to 0, "high" and "low" priority interrupts are disabled.
IE1-IE0 (bits 1-0): Interrupt Priority Control
Sets the priority level of external interrupts INT1 and INT0:
IE1 | IE0 | INT1 Priority | INT0 Priority |
0 | 0 | Highest | Highest |
1 | 0 | Low | Highest |
X | 1 | Low | Low |
Provides flags for controlling whether interrupts are given LOW or HIGH priority ranking
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
IP7 | IP6 | IP5 | IP4 | IP3 | IP2 | IP1 | IP0 |
IP7 (bit 7): P3 Interrupt Priority
Sets the priority for Port 3 interrupts. 0: Low, 1: High.
IP6 (bit 6): Maple Interrupt Priority
Sets the priority for Maple interrupts. 0: Low, 1: High.
IP5 (bit 5): SIO1 Interrupt Priority
Sets the priority for Serial I/O 1 interrupts. 0: Low, 1: High.
IP4 (bit 4): SIO0 Interrupt Priority
Sets the priority for Serial I/O 0 interrupts. 0: Low, 1: High.
IP3 (bit 3): T1 Interrupt Priority
Sets the priority for Timer 1 interrupts. 0: Low, 1: High.
IP2 (bit 2): T0H Interrupt Priority
Sets the priority for Timer 0 High overflow interrupts. 0: Low, 1: High.
IP1 (bit 1): INT3/Base Timer Interrupt Priority
Sets the priority for Internal Interrupt Source 3 and Base Timer interrupts. 0: Low, 1: High.
IP0 (bit 0): INT2/T0L Interrupt Priority
Sets the priority for Internal Interrupt Source 2 and Timer 0 Low overflow interrupts. 0: Low, 1: High.
Controls the source and base address of ROM memory space accesses.
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
EXT3 (bit 3): External Bank Address
Controls which 64KB bank is selected for the ROM source.
EXT2 (bit 2): ?
Undocumented flag.
LDCEXT (bit 1): LDC Instruction Source?
Hardware docs say:
EXT0 (bit 0): ?
Undocumented flag.
Controls power to the oscillators and determine which is used by the system clock.
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
OCR7 | OCR5 | OCR4 | OCR1 | OCR0 |
OCR 7 (bit 7): System Clock Divider
When set to 1 (default), the system clock frequency is divided by 6. When reset to 0, its divided by 12.
OCR5-4 (bits 5-4): System Clock Selector
Selects the system clock source based on the values in the following table:
OCR5 | OCR4 | Source Oscillator |
0 | 0 | RC |
0 | 1 | CF |
1 | 0 | Quartz |
1 | 1 | CF |
OCR1 (bit 1): RC Oscillator Control
When set to 1, the RC oscillator is disabled, preserving power. When reset to 0, it is enabled.
OCR0 (bit 0): CF Oscillator Control
When set to 1 (default), the CF oscillator ceases operation. When reset to 0 (as when the VMU is docked), it begins to operate.
Configures and controls the operation of the Timer 0 peripheral.
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
T0HRUN (bit 7): Timer 0 High Count Control
Setting this flag to 1 starts the T0H counter by supplying the clock to it. Resetting it to 0 stops counting and reloads T0H with T0HR.
T0LRUN (bit 6): Timer 0 Low Count Control
Setting this flag to 1 starts the T0L counter by supplying the clock to it. Resetting it to 0 stops counting and reloads T0L with T0LR.
T0LONG (bit 5): Timer 0 Bit Length Specifier
When set to 1, 16-bit mode is used. When reset to 0, 8-bit mode used.
T0LEXT (bit 4): Timer 0 Low Input Clock Select
Specifies the clock supplied to T0L. When set to 1, it is driven by an external input signal (source determined by ISL). When reset to 0, the prescalar output is selected.
T0HOVF (bit 3): Timer 0 High Overflow Flag
This flag is set whenever T0H overflows and otherwise never changes. It must be reset by the interrupt handler or application.
T0HIE (bit 2): Timer 0 High Interrupt Enable
Enables or disables generation of interrupt requests upon T0H overflow. When set to 1, the T0H interrupt vector (0x0023) is used. When reset to zero, no request is generated.
T0LOVF (bit 1): Timer 0 Low Overflow Flag
This flag is set whenever T0L overflows and otherwise never changes. It must be reset by the interrupt handler or application. This flag is not used when in 16-bit mode.
T0LIE (bit 0): Timer 0 Low Interrupt Enable
Enables or disables generation of interrupt requests upon T0L overflow. When set to 1, the T0L interrupt vector (0x0013) is used. When reset to zero, no request is generated.
Stores the reload value for the Timer 0 prescalar register (TPR).
Read-only register storing the current value of either the first independently operating 8-bit counter/timer of Timer 0, or the low byte of the combined 16-bit counter/timer of Timer 0, depending on the current T0CNT configuration
The value used to reload the T0L timer/counter is stored within this register. When using 8-bit mode, its contents are reloaded into T0L upon overflow.
Read-only register storing hte current value of either the second independently operating 8-bit counter/timer of Timer 0, or the high byte of the combined 16-bit counter/timer of Timer 0, depending on the current T0CNT configuration.
The value used to reload the T0H timer/counter is stored within this register. Upon overflow, its contents are loaded into T0H.
Configures and controls the operation of the Timer 1 peripheral.
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
T1HRUN (bit 7): Timer 1 High Count Control
Setting this flag to 1 starts the T1H counter by supplying the clock to it. Resetting it to 0 stops counting and reloads T1H with T1HR.
T1LRUN (bit 6): Timer 1 Low Count Control
Setting this flag to 1 starts the T1L counter by supplying the clock to it. Resetting it to 0 stops counting and reloads T1L with T1LR.
T1LONG (bit 5): Timer 1 Bit Length Specifier
When set to 1, 16-bit mode is used. When reset to 0, 8-bit mode used.
ELDT1C (bit 4): Pulse Generator Data Update
Controls whether the comparison data register values, from T1HC and T1LC, are sent to the pulse signal comparator or not. When set to 1, the values are sent to the comparator immediately as they are changed, updating the pulse generator data. When reset to 0, the values are not sent to the comparator, so the pulse generator output does not change.
When needing to update both 8-bit counters simultaneously, first reset this flag, update their values, then set the flag back. This will update both atomically.
T1HOVF (bit 3): Timer 1 High Overflow Flag
This flag is set whenever T1H overflows and otherwise never changes. It must be reset by the interrupt handler or application.
T1HIE (bit 2): Timer 1 High Interrupt Enable
Enables or disables generation of interrupt requests upon T1H overflow. When set to 1, the T1H interrupt vector (0x002B) is used. When reset to zero, no request is generated.
T1LOVF (bit 1): Timer 1 Low Overflow Flag
This flag is set whenever T1L overflows and otherwise never changes. It must be reset by the interrupt handler or application. Unlike T0L, the flag is always set when an overflow occurs at T1L, regardless of T1's bit length.
T1LIE (bit 0): Timer 1 Low Interrupt Enable
Enables or disables generation of interrupt requests upon T1L overflow. When set to 1, the T1 interrupt vector (0x002B) is used. When reset to zero, no request is generated.
Data which gets fed to a comparator and compared with the value of T1L, for generating the resulting PWM signal. When the data is less than the value of T1L, the resulting signal has a LOW output, and when it's greater than or equal to, it has a HIGH output.
When ELDT1C is set to 1, and this register is modified, its value is immediately sent to the comparator. When it is reset to 0, the comparator is never updated as T1LC changes.
Depending on whether this register is written to or read from, it is either accessing T1L or T1LR. When reading, it is accessing T1L, the current value of the Timer 1 Counter/Timer's low byte. When writing, it is accessing T1LR, the reload value which is copied to T1L when an overflow occurs.
Data which gets fed to a comparator and compared with the value of T1H, for generating the resulting PWM signal. When the data is less than the value of T1H, the resulting signal has a LOW output, and when it's greater than or equal to, it has a HIGH output.
Depending on whether this register is written to or read from, it is either accessing T1H or T1HR. When reading, it is accessing T1H, the current value of the Timer 1 Counter/Timer's high byte. When writing, it is accessing T1HR, the reload value which is copied to T1H when an overflow occurs.
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
MCR7 | MCR6 | MCR5 | MCR4 | MCR3 | MCR0 |
MCR7-MCR5 (bits 7-5): LCD Clock Division Ratio
The official documentation simply says "always set these bits to 0" for a 1/1 ratio.
MCR4 (bit 4): LCD Clock 1/2 Division Ratio Select Circuit
Controls whether to divide the ratio given by MCR7-MCR5 by 1/2 or to select it directly as the LCD clock.
When set to 1, The LCD clock is not divided, giving a frame frequency of 165.5Hz. When reset to 0, the LCD clock frequency is divided by 1/2, giving a frame frequency of 82.7 Hz.
The default value for this flag is 0.
MCR3 (bit 3): LCD Controller Control
Controls whether the display controller operates. When reset to 0, operation ceases, meaning the screen is still powered, but it no longer updates to reflect changes in XRAM. When set to 1, the screen automatically refreshes to reflect changes in the contents of XRAM.
MCR0 (bit 0): Display Mode Select
The official hardware docs only say this should always be set to 1, in order to set the display to "graphics mode."
Configures XRAM's start address. A value of 0 is assumed to be the regular XRAM start address of 0x180. Every value increment of STAD will advance XRAM's start address by 2 bytes.
The official documentation merely says this register is not accessible by applications... Sure it is.
This register is Write-Only and 7-bits large, how it behaves is not exactly well understood but it's likely the amount of bytes that every line of the LCD should have, setting it to anything other than x0000101 will garble the frame
The official documentation merely says that the register is not accessible by applications... BS.
This register is Write-Only and 6-bits large, it controls how many lines the LCD will display, setting it too low will cause the contrast to get higher, the default setting is xx100000. It appears that this also changes the refresh rate of the LCD, low values will cause the displayed lines to be repeated over all the unscanned lines on the LCD panel
Swaps the active XRAM bank number, which is mapped to the end of the internal RAM address space.
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
XBNK1-0 (bits 1-0): XRAM Bank Select
Sets the active XRAM bank.
XBNK1 | XBNK0 | Bank | Purpose |
0 | 0 | 0 | Top-Half of LCD Screen |
0 | 1 | 1 | Bottom-Half of LCD Screen |
1 | 0 | 2 | Icons |
1 | 1 | X | Invalid |
Write-only register controlling various aspects of the LCD display, but there is no contrast control.
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
VCCR7 (bit 7): LCD Power Control
Controls whether the display is powered or not. When reset to 0, the screen is shut off. When set to 1, it is powered on.
VCCR6 (bit 6): LCD XRAM Access Control
Controls whether XRAM memory is accessible to the CPU. When reset to 0, XRAM memory can be read from and written to. When set to 1, this access becomes disabled.
VCCR5-0 (bits 5-0): ?
The official documentation merely says to ALWAYS set these bits to 0 when accessing VCCR.
Controls various aspects of the operation of the Serial IO 0 peripheral.
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
SCON07 | SCON06 | SCON04 | SCON03 | SCON02 | SCON01 | SCON00 |
SCON07 (bit 7): Polarity Control
Controls the polarity of the the transfer clock, SCK0, which is used by SIO0.
When set to 1, SCK0 is 0 when operation stops and bit 0 of SBUF0 is output.
When reset to 0, SCK0 is 0 when operation stops and the last transferred bit is held as the output
SCON06 (bit 6): Overrun Flag
Set to 1 when an 8-bit data transfer is complete and the falling edge of the transfer clock is received, the flag is set. During continuous transfer, the flag is set every 8 bits.
SCON04 (bit 4): Transfer Bit Length Control
Swaps SIO0 transfer data length between 8-bit continuous mode (1) or 8-bit mode (0). When set to 1, 2 or more bytes of data can be sent continuously in 8-bit units. When reset to 0, only 8-bits of data can be sent.
SCON03 (bit 3): SIO0 Operation Control
Starts or stops SIO0 transfers. When set to 1, a transfer starts, resetting the flag when 8bits have been transferred. When reset to 0, serial transfer stops.
SCON02 (bit 2): LSB/MSB Start Select
Selects the bit order for data transfers. When set to 1, the transfer starts with the MSB and ends with the LSB. When reset to 0, the transfer starts with the LSB and ends with the MSB.
SCON01 (bit 1): SIO0 Transfer End Flag
Detects the end of a serial transfer. It gets set to 1 when a serial transfer of 8 bits has completed. While set, if the falling edge of the transfer clock is detected, SCON06 gets set to 1, signalling an overrun.
SCON00 (bit 0): SIO0 Interrupt Request Enable Control
Enables or disables interrupt request generation upon SIO0 transfer end. When set to 1, interrupt vector 0x0033 is called. When reset to 0, not interrupt request is generated.
Used as a buffer to store TX/RX data from SIO0.
Sets the transfer rate for both SIO0 and SIO1 when the internal clock is used as the transfer clock. The transfer rate, TSBR, can be obtained by the following:
TSBR = (256 - [SBR setting value]) x 2 x Tcyc ____ ________ | | | (Tcyc = cycle clock) |________| |____ |<-Transfer Rate->| TSBR
Controls various aspects of the operation of the Serial IO 1 peripheral.
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
SCON16 | SCON14 | SCON13 | SCON12 | SCON11 | SCON10 |
SCON06 (bit 7): Overrun Flag
Set to 1 when an 8-bit data transfer is complete and the falling edge of the transfer clock is received, the flag is set. During continuous transfer, the flag is set every 8 bits.
SCON14 (bit 4): Transfer Bit Length Control
Swaps SIO1 transfer data length between 8-bit continuous mode (1) or 8-bit mode (0). When set to 1, 2 or more bytes of data can be sent continuously in 8-bit units. When reset to 0, only 8-bits of data can be sent.
SCON13 (bit 3): SIO0 Operation Control
Starts or stops SIO0 transfers. When set to 1, a transfer starts, resetting the flag when 8bits have been transferred. When reset to 0, serial transfer stops.
SCON12 (bit 2): LSB/MSB Start Select
Selects the bit order for data transfers. When set to 1, the transfer starts with the MSB and ends with the LSB. When reset to 0, the transfer starts with the LSB and ends with the MSB.
SCON01 (bit 1): SIO1 Transfer End Flag
Detects the end of a serial transfer. It gets set to 1 when a serial transfer of 8 bits has completed. While set, if the falling edge of the transfer clock is detected, SCON16 gets set to 1, signalling an overrun.
SCON00 (bit 0): SIO1 Interrupt Request Enable Control
Enables or disables interrupt request generation upon SIO1 transfer end. When set to 1, interrupt vector 0x003B is called. When reset to 0, not interrupt request is generated.
Used as a buffer to store TX/RX data from SIO1.
Contains the latched data for I/O Port 1.
Bit | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Port 1 | P17 | P16 | P15 | P14 | P13 | P12 | P11 | P10 |
Function | PWM | TEST | SCK1 | SB1 | SO1 | SCK0 | SB0 | SO0 |
Write-only register used to configure whether bits 7 to 0 of Port 1 are used for input or output. Setting a bit to 1 configures the corresponding port pin to be in output mode. Resetting a bit to 0 sets the pin to be in input mode.
Configures the operation of bits 7-0 of Port 1.
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
P17FCR | P16FCR | P15FCR | P14FCR | P13FCR | P12FCR | P11FCR | P10FCR |
P17FCR (bit 7): Select P17 Function
When set to 1, the logical sum of the PWM signal and port latch data is output on P17. When reset to 0, the port latch data is output.
P16FCR (bit 6): Select P16 Function
Supposedly fixed to 0 and cannot be manipulated by the application.
P15FCR (bit 5): Select P15 Function
When set to 1, the logical sum of the serial interface clock 1 (SCK1) and the port latch data is output on P15. When reset to 0, the port latch data is output.
P14FCR (bit 4): Select P14 Function
When set to 1, the logical sum of the serial 1 interface data (SB1) and port latch data is output on P14. When reset to 0, the port latch data is output.
P13FCR (bit 3): Select P13 Function
When set to 1, the logical sum of the serial 1 interface data (SO1) and port latch data is output on P13. When reset to 0, the port latch data is output.
P12FCR (bit 2): Select P12 Function
When set to 1, the logical sum of the serial interface clock 0 (SCK0) and the port latch data is output on P12. When reset to 0, the port latch data is output.
P11FCR (bit 1): Select P11 Function
When set to 1, the logical sum of the serial 0 interface data (SB0) and port latch data is output on P11. When reset to 0, the port latch data is output.
P10FCR (bit 0): Select P10 Function
When set to 1, the logical sum of the serial 0 interface data (SO1) and port latch data is output on P10. When reset to 0, the port latch data is output.
Latch register for IO Port 3, which is an input-only (supposedly) port for the VMU's gamepad buttons. The application must set the bit corresponding to a button to be detected to 1. When the button is actually pressed, the corresponding bit is reset to 0.
Bit | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
P3 | P37 | P36 | P35 | P34 | P33 | P32 | P31 | P30 |
Button | SLEEP | MODE | B | A | RIGHT | LEFT | DOWN | UP |
Write-only register used to configure whether bits 7 to 0 of Port 3 are used for input or output. Setting a bit to 1 configures the corresponding port pin to be in output mode. Resetting a bit to 0 sets the pin to be in input mode.
Controls interrupt generation and configuration for Port 3.
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
P32INT | P31INT | P30INT |
P32INT (bit 2): Port 3 Interrupt Control Flag
When set to 1, causes an interrupt to be generated continuously while a button on Port 3 is held down. When reset to 0, no interrupt for that button is generated.
P31INT (bit 1): Port 3 Interrupt Source Flag
Applicable only when P32INT is set. When an interrupt is generated, this flag is set to 1, so that it can be used by an ISR to determine that P3 is the interrupt's source.
P30INT (bit 0): Port 3 Interrupt Request Enable Control
When set to 1, enables interrupt requests from port 3, calling the interrupt vector 0x004B when one is generated (P31INT=1). When reset to 0, the ISR is never called upon interrupt generation.
Used to control direct access to the flash controller.
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
FPR1 | FPR0 |
FPR1 (bit 1): Flash Write Unlock Flag
This flag must be set to 1 before attempting to program flash with the proper unlock sequence, which is required to enable write access to the CPU via the STF instruction. It is initially reset to 0.
FPR1 (bit 0): Flash Address Bank
This flag controls which flash bank (0-1) the LDF and STF instructions access when reading from and writing to flash. It becomes the 17th bit of the absolute address used to for flash access.
When reset to 0, flash bank 0 is used. When set to 1, flash bank 1 is used.
Dedicated input port used for low-voltage detection and for monitoring connection status ot the Dreamcast.
Bit | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
P1 | P73 | P72 | P71 | P70 | ||||
Function | ID1 | ID0 | Low voltage | 5V detect |
P73 (bit 3): External Input Pin 1
Freely available external input pin, connected to a denoiser filter.
P72 (bit 2): External Input Pin 0
Freely available external input pin
P71 (bit 1): Low Voltage Detect Flag
When set to 1 (default), the low voltage detection circuit is enabled, resetting the non-latched port value for P71 to 0 when low voltage is detected.
P70 (bit 0): External 5V Power Detection Flag
When the bit has been set to 1, an external 5v power source has been detected, meaning the VMU has been docked within the Dreamcast controller. When reset to 0, the VMU is running in standalone mode.
Configures the operation of external interrupts 0 and 1.
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
I01CR7 | I01CR6 | I01CR5 | I01CR4 | I01CR3 | I01CR2 | I01CR1 | I01CR0 |
I01CR7-IO1CR6 (bits 7-6): Interrupt 1 Detection Level/Edge Select
Configures the INT1 interrupt condition for signals input on the P71/INT1 pin.
I01CR7 | I01CR6 | INT1 Interrupt Condition |
0 | 0 | Detect falling edge |
0 | 1 | Detect low level |
1 | 0 | Detect rising edge |
1 | 1 | Detect high level |
I01CR5 (bit 5): Interrupt 1 Source
Set to 1 when the condition specified by bits I01CR7 and I01CR6 is detected. If INT1 interrupts are enabled (I01CR4 is 1), the interrupt vector 0x00B is also called to begin interrupt processing.
I01CR4 (bit 4): Interrupt 1 Control
When set to 1, enables interrupt processing for external INT1 interrupts, calling interrupt vector 0x00B when I01CR5 is set. When reset to 0, interrupt processing is disabled and no interupt request is generated when I01CR5 is set.
I01CR3-IO1CR2 (bits 3-2): Interrupt 0 Detection Level/Edge Select
Configures the INT0 interrupt condition for signals input on the P70/INT0 pin.
I01CR3 | I01CR2 | INT0 Interrupt Condition |
0 | 0 | Detect falling edge |
0 | 1 | Detect low level |
1 | 0 | Detect rising edge |
1 | 1 | Detect high level |
I01CR1 (bit 1): Interrupt 0 Source
Set to 1 when the condition specified by bits I01CR3 and I01CR2 is detected. If INT0 interrupts are enabled (I01CR0 is 1), the interrupt vector 0x003 is also called to begin interrupt processing.
I01CR0 (bit 0): Interrupt 0 Control
When set to 1, enables interrupt processing for external INT0 interrupts, calling interrupt vector 0x003 when I01CR1 is set. When reset to 0, interrupt processing is disabled and no interupt request is generated when I01CR1 is set.
Configures the operation of external interrupts 2 and 3.
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
I23CR7 | I23CR6 | I23CR5 | I23CR4 | I23CR3 | I23CR2 | I23CR1 | I23CR0 |
I23CR7 (bit 7): Interrupt 3 Rising Edge Detection Control
Configures the INT3 interrupt condition for signals input on the P73/INT3/T0IN pin. When set to 1, the rising edge of the signal is detected. When reset to 0, the rising edge of the signal is not monitored.
I23CR6 (bit 6): Interrupt 3 Falling Edge Detection Control
Configures the INT3 interrupt condition for signals input on the P73/INT3/T0IN pin. When set to 1, the falling edge of the signal is detected. When reset to 0, the falling edge of the signal is not monitored.
I23CR5 (bit 5): Interrupt 3 Source
Set to 1 when the condition specified by bits I23CR7 or I23CR6 is detected. If INT3 interrupts are enabled (I23CR4 is 1), the interrupt vector 0x01B is also called to begin interrupt processing.
I23CR4 (bit 4): Interrupt 3 Control
When set to 1, enables interrupt processing for external INT3 interrupts, calling interrupt vector 0x01B when I23CR5 is set. When reset to 0, interrupt processing is disabled and no interupt request is generated when I23CR5 is set.
I23CR3 (bit 3): Interrupt 2 Rising Edge Detection Control
Configures the INT3 interrupt condition for signals input on the P72/INT2/T0IN pin. When set to 1, the rising edge of the signal is detected. When reset to 0, the rising edge of the signal is not monitored.
I23CR2 (bit 2): Interrupt 2 Falling Edge Detection Control
Configures the INT3 interrupt condition for signals input on the P72/INT2/T0IN pin. When set to 1, the falling edge of the signal is detected. When reset to 0, the falling edge of the signal is not monitored.
I23CR1 (bit 1): Interrupt 2 Source
Set to 1 when the condition specified by bits I23CR3 and I23CR2 is detected. If INT2 interrupts are enabled (I23CR0 is 1), the interrupt vector 0x013 is also called to begin interrupt processing.
I23CR0 (bit 0): Interrupt 2 Control
When set to 1, enables interrupt processing for external INT2 interrupts, calling interrupt vector 0x013 when I23CR1 is set. When reset to 0, interrupt processing is disabled and no interupt request is generated when I23CR1 is set.
Selects and configures the source and operation of the input signals for the Base Timer and Timer 0.
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
ISL5 | ISL4 | ISL3 | ISL2 | ISL1 | ISL0 |
ISL5-ISL4 (bits 5-4): Base Timer Clock Select
Selects the clock for the base timer. ISL4 is "fixed" to bit 0, while ISL5's value doesn't matter, fixing the source of the base timer to the quartz oscillator.
ISL5 | ISL4 | Source |
1 | 1 | Timer/Counter T0 |
0 | 1 | Prescalar |
X | 0 | Cycle Clock |
Quartz Oscillator |
Fixed to reset value of 0: fBST/16.
ISL2-ISL1 (bits 2-1): Noise Filter Time Constant Select
Selects the time constant of the noise filter.
ISL2 | ISL1 | Time Constant |
1 | 1 | 16 * Tcyc |
0 | 1 | 64 * Tcyc |
X | 0 | 1 * Tcyc |
The following table is also included (whatever-the-hell it means) with the following cautions:
? | WTF | ? |
Time Constant | Noise * 1 | Noise/ |
signal * 2 | Noise * 3 | |
1 * Tcyc | < 1 * Tcyc | 1 * Tcyc- |
2 * Tcyc | 2 * Tcyc < |
ISL0 (bit 0): T0 Clock Input Pin Select
Selects the input pin used as the clock driving Timer 0. When reset to 0, the clock source is P72/INT2/T0IN. When set to 1, the source is the P73/INT3/T0IN pin.
Contains bits reflecting the status of a Maple transfer request.
Used to control starting and stopping a Maple transfer.
Used to reset the Maple transaction when an error has occured.
Configures the behavior of Work RAM.
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
INCE (bit 4): VTRBF Address Counter Automatic Increment
This bit controls whether the VRMAD address (formed by VRMAD1 and VRMAD2) is auto-incremented when accessing VTRBF.
When set to 1, VRMAD is automatically incremented by 1 after each VTRBF access. When reset to 0, there is no change to the address upon accessing VTRBF.
SIOSEL (bit 1): Port 1 Use Select Control
Configures the P1 port (P10 to P15).
When set to 1, the port is used as a a dedicated Maple interface for interacting with the Dreamcast (when the VMU is docked). When reset to 0, (default) it is used as a normal I/O port for synchronous serial communication.
ASEL (bit 0): VTRBF Address Input Select Control
Arbitrates accesses to VTRBF by either the CPU or the Maple Interface.
When set to 1, this bit means that a transfer between the Dreamcast and WRAM is currently being carried out, and WRAM is not yet accessible by the VMU. When reset to 0, there is no Maple transfer in progresss, and WRAM can be access normally by the VMU.
Forms the lower 8 bits of the 9-bit VRMAD address that is used to access WRAM whenever the VTRBF register is used. When VSEL4 is set to 1, VRMAD is auto-incremented each time VTRBF is accessed.
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Provides the 9th bit of the VRMAD address that is used to access WRAM whenver the VTBRF register is used. When VSEL4 is set to 1, VRMAD is auto-incremented each time VTRBF is accessed.
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Used as the data buffer for reading and writing to WRAM at the address specified by VRMAD.
When this register is written to, the data are written to WRAM at the address specified by VRMAD. When this register is read from, the data are read from WRAM at the address specified by VRMAD. When bit 4 of VSEL (VSEL4) is set to 1, VRMAD is automatically incremented each time this register is accessed.
Undocumented register controlling the length of words for Maple transactions when the VMU is docked in the controller and the BIOS is running the Maple stack.
Controls the configuration and interrupt generation of the Base Timer.
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
BTCR7 (bit 7): Base Timer Interrupt 0 Cycle Control
Controls the cycle for Base Timer Interrupt 0 source generation.
When the value is set to 1, the interval at which the interrupt 0 source is generated for 14-bit counter overflow is 16384/fBST. When reset to 0, the cycle is 64/fBST. To use "fast-forward mode," set this flag. fBST is the input clock frequency.
BTCR6 (bit 6): Base Timer Operation Control
Starts or stops the Base Timer's count operation.
When set to 1, count operation starts. When reset to 0, the count operation stops, and the 14-bit counter is cleared.
BTCR5-BTCR4 (bits 5-4): Base Timer Interrupt 1 Cycle Control
Controls the cycle for Base Timer Interrupt 1 source generation.
BTCR7 | BTCR5 | BTCR4 | Base Timer Interrupt 1 Cycle |
X | 0 | 0 | 32 /fBST |
X | 0 | 1 | 128 /fBST |
0 | 1 | 0 | 512 /fBST |
0 | 1 | 1 | 2048/fBST |
fBST: Input clock frequency
BTCR3 (bit 3): Base Timer Interrupt 1 Source Flag
This flag gets set any time the Base Timer Interrupt 1 source is gneerated at the cycle set with BTCR7 and BTCR5-4. When no interrupt is generated, the flag doesn't change.
BTCR2 (bit 2): Base Timer Interrupt 1 Request Enable Control
Enables or disables Base Timer Interrupt 1 requests.
When set to 1, the Base Timer Interrupt 1 Source Flag (BTCR3) will generate an interrupt request to interrupt vector 0x001B. When reset to 0, no interrupt request will be generated.
BTCR1 (bit 1): Base Timer Interrupt 0 Source Flag
This flag gets set any time the Base Timer Interrupt 0 source is gneerated at the cycle set with BTCR7. When no interrupt is generated, the flag doesn't change.
BTCR0 (bit 0): Base Timer Interrupt 0 Request Enable Control
Enables or disables Base Timer Interrupt 1 requests.
When set to 1, the Base Timer Interrupt 0 Source Flag (BTCR1) will generate an interrupt request to interrupt vector 0x001B. When reset to 0, no interrupt request will be generated.