GblContext * | GblObject_findContext (GblObject *pSelf) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_property (const GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName,...) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_propertyByQuark (const GblObject *pSelf, GblQuark name,...) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_propertyVaList (const GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName, va_list *pList) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_propertyVaListByQuark (const GblObject *pSelf, GblQuark name, va_list *pList) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_propertyVariant (const GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName, GblVariant *pValue) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_propertyVariantByQuark (const GblObject *pSelf, GblQuark name, GblVariant *pValue) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_properties (const GblObject *pSelf,...) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_propertiesVaList (const GblObject *pSelf, va_list *pList) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_propertiesVariants (const GblObject *pSelf, size_t count, const char *pNames[], GblVariant *pValue) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_setProperty (GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName,...) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_setPropertyByQuark (GblObject *pSelf, GblQuark quark,...) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_setPropertyVaList (GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName, va_list *pList) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_setPropertyVaListByQuark (GblObject *pSelf, GblQuark name, va_list *pList) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_setPropertyVariant (GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName, GblVariant *pValue) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_setPropertyVariantByQuark (GblObject *pSelf, GblQuark name, GblVariant *pValue) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_setProperties (GblObject *pSelf,...) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_setPropertiesVaList (GblObject *pSelf, va_list *pList) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_setPropertiesVariants (GblObject *pSelf, size_t count, const char *pNames[], GblVariant *pValue) |
const GblStringRef * | GblObject_name (const GblObject *pSelf) |
void | GblObject_setName (GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName) |
void | GblObject_setNameRef (GblObject *pSelf, const GblStringRef *pRef) |
GblObject * | GblObject_parent (const GblObject *pSelf) |
void | GblObject_setParent (GblObject *pSelf, GblObject *pParent) |
void | GblObject_addChild (GblObject *pSelf, GblObject *pChild) |
GblBool | GblObject_removeChild (GblObject *pSelf, GblObject *pChild) |
size_t | GblObject_depth (const GblObject *pSelf) |
GblObject * | GblObject_childFirst (const GblObject *pSelf) |
size_t | GblObject_childCount (const GblObject *pSelf) |
GblObject * | GblObject_siblingNext (const GblObject *pSelf) |
GblObject * | GblObject_findAncestorByType (const GblObject *pSelf, GblType ancestorType) |
GblObject * | GblObject_findAncestorByName (const GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName) |
GblObject * | GblObject_findAncestorByHeight (const GblObject *pSelf, size_t height) |
GblObject * | GblObject_findBaseByDepth (const GblObject *pSelf, size_t depth) |
GblObject * | GblObject_findChildByType (const GblObject *pSelf, GblType childType) |
GblObject * | GblObject_findChildByName (const GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName) |
GblObject * | GblObject_findChildByIndex (const GblObject *pSelf, size_t index) |
GblObject * | GblObject_findSiblingByType (const GblObject *pSelf, GblType siblingType) |
GblObject * | GblObject_findSiblingByName (const GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName) |
GblObject * | GblObject_findSiblingByIndex (const GblObject *pSelf, size_t index) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_sendEvent (GblObject *pSelf, GblEvent *pEvent) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_notifyEvent (GblObject *pSelf, GblEvent *pEvent) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_installEventFilter (GblObject *pSelf, GblIEventFilter *pFilter) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_uninstallEventFilter (GblObject *pSelf, GblIEventFilter *pFilter) |
size_t | GblObject_eventFilterCount (const GblObject *pSelf) |
GblIEventFilter * | GblObject_eventFilter (const GblObject *pSelf, size_t index) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_property (const GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName,...) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_propertyByQuark (const GblObject *pSelf, GblQuark name,...) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_propertyVaList (const GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName, va_list *pList) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_propertyVaListByQuark (const GblObject *pSelf, GblQuark name, va_list *pList) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_propertyVariant (const GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName, GblVariant *pValue) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_propertyVariantByQuark (const GblObject *pSelf, GblQuark name, GblVariant *pValue) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_properties (const GblObject *pSelf,...) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_propertiesVaList (const GblObject *pSelf, va_list *pList) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_propertiesVariants (const GblObject *pSelf, size_t count, const char *pNames[], GblVariant *pValue) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_setProperty (GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName,...) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_setPropertyByQuark (GblObject *pSelf, GblQuark quark,...) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_setPropertyVaList (GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName, va_list *pList) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_setPropertyVaListByQuark (GblObject *pSelf, GblQuark name, va_list *pList) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_setPropertyVariant (GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName, GblVariant *pValue) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_setPropertyVariantByQuark (GblObject *pSelf, GblQuark name, GblVariant *pValue) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_setProperties (GblObject *pSelf,...) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_setPropertiesVaList (GblObject *pSelf, va_list *pList) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_setPropertiesVariants (GblObject *pSelf, size_t count, const char *pNames[], GblVariant *pValue) |
const GblStringRef * | GblObject_name (const GblObject *pSelf) |
void | GblObject_setName (GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName) |
void | GblObject_setNameRef (GblObject *pSelf, const GblStringRef *pRef) |
GblObject * | GblObject_parent (const GblObject *pSelf) |
void | GblObject_setParent (GblObject *pSelf, GblObject *pParent) |
void | GblObject_addChild (GblObject *pSelf, GblObject *pChild) |
GblBool | GblObject_removeChild (GblObject *pSelf, GblObject *pChild) |
size_t | GblObject_depth (const GblObject *pSelf) |
GblObject * | GblObject_childFirst (const GblObject *pSelf) |
size_t | GblObject_childCount (const GblObject *pSelf) |
GblObject * | GblObject_siblingNext (const GblObject *pSelf) |
GblObject * | GblObject_findAncestorByType (const GblObject *pSelf, GblType ancestorType) |
GblObject * | GblObject_findAncestorByName (const GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName) |
GblObject * | GblObject_findAncestorByHeight (const GblObject *pSelf, size_t height) |
GblObject * | GblObject_findBaseByDepth (const GblObject *pSelf, size_t depth) |
GblObject * | GblObject_findChildByType (const GblObject *pSelf, GblType childType) |
GblObject * | GblObject_findChildByName (const GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName) |
GblObject * | GblObject_findChildByIndex (const GblObject *pSelf, size_t index) |
GblObject * | GblObject_findSiblingByType (const GblObject *pSelf, GblType siblingType) |
GblObject * | GblObject_findSiblingByName (const GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName) |
GblObject * | GblObject_findSiblingByIndex (const GblObject *pSelf, size_t index) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_sendEvent (GblObject *pSelf, GblEvent *pEvent) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_notifyEvent (GblObject *pSelf, GblEvent *pEvent) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_installEventFilter (GblObject *pSelf, GblIEventFilter *pFilter) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_uninstallEventFilter (GblObject *pSelf, GblIEventFilter *pFilter) |
size_t | GblObject_eventFilterCount (const GblObject *pSelf) |
GblIEventFilter * | GblObject_eventFilter (const GblObject *pSelf, size_t index) |
GblBox * | GblBox_ref (GblBox *pSelf) |
GblRefCount | GblBox_unref (GblBox *pSelf) |
GblRefCount | GblBox_refCount (const GblBox *pSelf) |
void * | GblBox_userdata (const GblBox *pSelf) |
GBL_RESULT | GblBox_setUserdata (GblBox *pSelf, void *pUserdata) |
GBL_RESULT | GblBox_setUserDestructor (GblBox *pSelf, GblArrayMapDtorFn pFnUdDtor) |
uintptr_t | GblBox_field (const GblBox *pSelf, GblQuark key) |
uintptr_t | GblBox_takeField (GblBox *pSelf, GblQuark key) |
GblBool | GblBox_clearField (GblBox *pSelf, GblQuark key) |
GblBool | GblBox_hasField (const GblBox *pSelf, GblQuark key) |
GBL_RESULT | GblBox_setField (GblBox *pSelf, GblQuark key, uintptr_t ud, GblArrayMapDtorFn pFnDtor) |
GblBox * | GblBox_ref (GblBox *pSelf) |
GblRefCount | GblBox_unref (GblBox *pSelf) |
GblRefCount | GblBox_refCount (const GblBox *pSelf) |
void * | GblBox_userdata (const GblBox *pSelf) |
GBL_RESULT | GblBox_setUserdata (GblBox *pSelf, void *pUserdata) |
GBL_RESULT | GblBox_setUserDestructor (GblBox *pSelf, GblArrayMapDtorFn pFnUdDtor) |
uintptr_t | GblBox_field (const GblBox *pSelf, GblQuark key) |
uintptr_t | GblBox_takeField (GblBox *pSelf, GblQuark key) |
GblBool | GblBox_clearField (GblBox *pSelf, GblQuark key) |
GblBool | GblBox_hasField (const GblBox *pSelf, GblQuark key) |
GBL_RESULT | GblBox_setField (GblBox *pSelf, GblQuark key, uintptr_t ud, GblArrayMapDtorFn pFnDtor) |
GblRefCount | GblInstance_destroy (GblInstance *pSelf) |
GblBool | GblInstance_check (const GblInstance *pSelf, GblType toType) |
GblInstance * | GblInstance_cast (GblInstance *pSelf, GblType toType) |
GblInstance * | GblInstance_as (GblInstance *pSelf, GblType toType) |
void * | GblInstance_private (const GblInstance *pSelf, GblType base) |
GblInstance * | GblInstance_public (const void *pPriv, GblType base) |
GblType | GblInstance_typeOf (const GblInstance *pSelf) |
size_t | GblInstance_size (const GblInstance *pSelf) |
size_t | GblInstance_privateSize (const GblInstance *pSelf) |
size_t | GblInstance_totalSize (const GblInstance *pSelf) |
GblClass * | GblInstance_class (const GblInstance *pSelf) |
GBL_RESULT | GblInstance_swizzleClass (GblInstance *pSelf, GblClass *pClass) |
GBL_RESULT | GblInstance_sinkClass (GblInstance *pSelf) |
GBL_RESULT | GblInstance_floatClass (GblInstance *pSelf) |
GblBool | GblInstance_check (const GblInstance *pSelf, GblType toType) |
GblInstance * | GblInstance_cast (GblInstance *pSelf, GblType toType) |
GblInstance * | GblInstance_as (GblInstance *pSelf, GblType toType) |
void * | GblInstance_private (const GblInstance *pSelf, GblType base) |
GblInstance * | GblInstance_public (const void *pPriv, GblType base) |
GblType | GblInstance_typeOf (const GblInstance *pSelf) |
size_t | GblInstance_size (const GblInstance *pSelf) |
size_t | GblInstance_privateSize (const GblInstance *pSelf) |
size_t | GblInstance_totalSize (const GblInstance *pSelf) |
GblClass * | GblInstance_class (const GblInstance *pSelf) |
GBL_RESULT | GblInstance_swizzleClass (GblInstance *pSelf, GblClass *pClass) |
GBL_RESULT | GblInstance_sinkClass (GblInstance *pSelf) |
GBL_RESULT | GblInstance_floatClass (GblInstance *pSelf) |
EvmuDevice * | EvmuPeripheral_device (const EvmuPeripheral *pSelf) |
API for oscillators, clock sources, and timing.
No public members.
Definition at line 110 of file evmu_clock.h.