libElysianVMU 1.6.0
Full-featured, accurate, cross-platform library emulating the Dreamcast's Visual Memory Unit
No Matches
EvmuDirEntry Struct Reference

#include <evmu_fs_utils.h>

Data Fields

uint8_t fileType
uint8_t copyProtection
uint16_t firstBlock
char fileName [12]
EvmuTimestamp timestamp
uint16_t fileSize
uint16_t headerOffset
uint8_t unused [4]

Related Symbols

(Note that these are not member symbols.)

Accessor Methods

Method(s) for EvmuNewFileInfo

const char * EvmuDirEntry_name (const EvmuDirEntry *pSelf, GblStringBuffer *pStr)
size_t EvmuDirEntry_setName (EvmuDirEntry *pSelf, const char *pStr)
const char * EvmuDirEntry_fileTypeStr (const EvmuDirEntry *pSelf)
const char * EvmuDirEntry_protectedStr (const EvmuDirEntry *pSelf)

Detailed Description

Represents a single entry into the FAT directory.

Definition at line 68 of file evmu_fs_utils.h.

Friends And Related Symbol Documentation

◆ EvmuDirEntry_fileTypeStr()

const char * EvmuDirEntry_fileTypeStr ( const EvmuDirEntry pSelf)

Returns the a string representation of EvmuDirEntry::fileType.

◆ EvmuDirEntry_name()

const char * EvmuDirEntry_name ( const EvmuDirEntry pSelf,
GblStringBuffer pStr 

Fills the buffer with the EvmuDirEntry::fileName field and returns a pointer to its internal C string.

◆ EvmuDirEntry_protectedStr()

const char * EvmuDirEntry_protectedStr ( const EvmuDirEntry pSelf)

Returns the a string representation of EvmuDirEntry::copyProtection.

◆ EvmuDirEntry_setName()

size_t EvmuDirEntry_setName ( EvmuDirEntry pSelf,
const char *  pStr 

Writes the given string to the EvmuDirEntry::fileName field, returning number of bytes written.

Field Documentation

◆ copyProtection

uint8_t EvmuDirEntry::copyProtection

EVMU_COPY_TYPE for file.

Definition at line 70 of file evmu_fs_utils.h.

◆ fileName

char EvmuDirEntry::fileName[12]

File name: Shift-JS encoding without NULL terminator.

Definition at line 73 of file evmu_fs_utils.h.

◆ fileSize

uint16_t EvmuDirEntry::fileSize

Size of file in blocks.

Definition at line 75 of file evmu_fs_utils.h.

◆ fileType

uint8_t EvmuDirEntry::fileType

EVMU_FILE_TYPE for file.

Definition at line 69 of file evmu_fs_utils.h.

◆ firstBlock

uint16_t EvmuDirEntry::firstBlock

Location of first FAT block

Definition at line 71 of file evmu_fs_utils.h.

◆ headerOffset

uint16_t EvmuDirEntry::headerOffset

Offset of VMS header in blocks (1 for GAME, 0 for DATA)

Definition at line 76 of file evmu_fs_utils.h.

◆ timestamp

EvmuTimestamp EvmuDirEntry::timestamp

File creation date timestamp.

Definition at line 74 of file evmu_fs_utils.h.

◆ unused

uint8_t EvmuDirEntry::unused[4]

Unused/reserved bytes (all 0s)

Definition at line 78 of file evmu_fs_utils.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: