libElysianVMU 1.6.0
Full-featured, accurate, cross-platform library emulating the Dreamcast's Visual Memory Unit
No Matches
EvmuRam Struct Reference

#include <evmu_ram.h>

Inheritance diagram for EvmuRam:
EvmuPeripheral EvmuIMemory GblObject EvmuIBehavior GblBox GblITableVariant GblInstance

Data Fields

union { 
   EvmuRamClass *   pClass 
   EvmuPeripheral   base 
GblBool dataChanged
- Data Fields inherited from EvmuPeripheral
union { 
   EvmuPeripheralClass *   pClass 
   GblObject   base 
GblFlags logLevel
- Data Fields inherited from GblObject
GblBox base
- Data Fields inherited from GblBox
GblInstance base
volatile uint16_t refCounter
uint16_t contextType
uint16_t constructedInPlace
uint16_t derivedFlags
- Data Fields inherited from GblInstance

Related Symbols

(Note that these are not member symbols.)

Address Modes

Method(s) for working with address modes

EvmuAddress EvmuRam_indirectAddress (const EvmuRam *pSelf, size_t mode)
Data Memory

Methods for managing the data address space

EvmuWord EvmuRam_readData (const EvmuRam *pSelf, EvmuAddress addr)
EvmuWord EvmuRam_readDataLatch (const EvmuRam *pSelf, EvmuAddress addr)
EvmuWord EvmuRam_viewData (const EvmuRam *pSelf, EvmuAddress addr)
EVMU_RESULT EvmuRam_writeData (EvmuRam *pSelf, EvmuAddress addr, EvmuWord val)
EVMU_RESULT EvmuRam_writeDataLatch (EvmuRam *pSelf, EvmuAddress addr, EvmuWord val)
Program Memory

Methods for managing the program address space

EVMU_PROGRAM_SRC EvmuRam_programSrc (const EvmuRam *pSelf)
EVMU_RESULT EvmuRam_setProgramSrc (EvmuRam *pSelf, EVMU_PROGRAM_SRC src)
EvmuWord EvmuRam_readProgram (const EvmuRam *pSelf, EvmuAddress addr)
EVMU_RESULT EvmuRam_writeProgram (EvmuRam *pSelf, EvmuAddress addr, EvmuWord val)

Methods for managing the program stack

int EvmuRam_stackDepth (const EvmuRam *pSelf)
EvmuWord EvmuRam_viewStack (const EvmuRam *pSelf, size_t depth)
EvmuWord EvmuRam_popStack (EvmuRam *pSelf)
EVMU_RESULT EvmuRam_pushStack (EvmuRam *pSelf, EvmuWord value)

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from GblObject
GblContextGblObject_findContext (GblObject *pSelf)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_property (const GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName,...)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_propertyByQuark (const GblObject *pSelf, GblQuark name,...)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_propertyVaList (const GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName, va_list *pList)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_propertyVaListByQuark (const GblObject *pSelf, GblQuark name, va_list *pList)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_propertyVariant (const GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName, GblVariant *pValue)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_propertyVariantByQuark (const GblObject *pSelf, GblQuark name, GblVariant *pValue)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_properties (const GblObject *pSelf,...)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_propertiesVaList (const GblObject *pSelf, va_list *pList)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_propertiesVariants (const GblObject *pSelf, size_t count, const char *pNames[], GblVariant *pValue)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_setProperty (GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName,...)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_setPropertyByQuark (GblObject *pSelf, GblQuark quark,...)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_setPropertyVaList (GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName, va_list *pList)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_setPropertyVaListByQuark (GblObject *pSelf, GblQuark name, va_list *pList)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_setPropertyVariant (GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName, GblVariant *pValue)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_setPropertyVariantByQuark (GblObject *pSelf, GblQuark name, GblVariant *pValue)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_setProperties (GblObject *pSelf,...)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_setPropertiesVaList (GblObject *pSelf, va_list *pList)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_setPropertiesVariants (GblObject *pSelf, size_t count, const char *pNames[], GblVariant *pValue)
const GblStringRefGblObject_name (const GblObject *pSelf)
void GblObject_setName (GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName)
void GblObject_setNameRef (GblObject *pSelf, const GblStringRef *pRef)
GblObjectGblObject_parent (const GblObject *pSelf)
void GblObject_setParent (GblObject *pSelf, GblObject *pParent)
void GblObject_addChild (GblObject *pSelf, GblObject *pChild)
GblBool GblObject_removeChild (GblObject *pSelf, GblObject *pChild)
size_t GblObject_depth (const GblObject *pSelf)
GblObjectGblObject_childFirst (const GblObject *pSelf)
size_t GblObject_childCount (const GblObject *pSelf)
GblObjectGblObject_siblingNext (const GblObject *pSelf)
GblObjectGblObject_findAncestorByType (const GblObject *pSelf, GblType ancestorType)
GblObjectGblObject_findAncestorByName (const GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName)
GblObjectGblObject_findAncestorByHeight (const GblObject *pSelf, size_t height)
GblObjectGblObject_findBaseByDepth (const GblObject *pSelf, size_t depth)
GblObjectGblObject_findChildByType (const GblObject *pSelf, GblType childType)
GblObjectGblObject_findChildByName (const GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName)
GblObjectGblObject_findChildByIndex (const GblObject *pSelf, size_t index)
GblObjectGblObject_findSiblingByType (const GblObject *pSelf, GblType siblingType)
GblObjectGblObject_findSiblingByName (const GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName)
GblObjectGblObject_findSiblingByIndex (const GblObject *pSelf, size_t index)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_sendEvent (GblObject *pSelf, GblEvent *pEvent)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_notifyEvent (GblObject *pSelf, GblEvent *pEvent)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_installEventFilter (GblObject *pSelf, GblIEventFilter *pFilter)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_uninstallEventFilter (GblObject *pSelf, GblIEventFilter *pFilter)
size_t GblObject_eventFilterCount (const GblObject *pSelf)
GblIEventFilter * GblObject_eventFilter (const GblObject *pSelf, size_t index)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_property (const GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName,...)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_propertyByQuark (const GblObject *pSelf, GblQuark name,...)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_propertyVaList (const GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName, va_list *pList)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_propertyVaListByQuark (const GblObject *pSelf, GblQuark name, va_list *pList)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_propertyVariant (const GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName, GblVariant *pValue)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_propertyVariantByQuark (const GblObject *pSelf, GblQuark name, GblVariant *pValue)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_properties (const GblObject *pSelf,...)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_propertiesVaList (const GblObject *pSelf, va_list *pList)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_propertiesVariants (const GblObject *pSelf, size_t count, const char *pNames[], GblVariant *pValue)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_setProperty (GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName,...)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_setPropertyByQuark (GblObject *pSelf, GblQuark quark,...)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_setPropertyVaList (GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName, va_list *pList)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_setPropertyVaListByQuark (GblObject *pSelf, GblQuark name, va_list *pList)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_setPropertyVariant (GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName, GblVariant *pValue)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_setPropertyVariantByQuark (GblObject *pSelf, GblQuark name, GblVariant *pValue)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_setProperties (GblObject *pSelf,...)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_setPropertiesVaList (GblObject *pSelf, va_list *pList)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_setPropertiesVariants (GblObject *pSelf, size_t count, const char *pNames[], GblVariant *pValue)
const GblStringRefGblObject_name (const GblObject *pSelf)
void GblObject_setName (GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName)
void GblObject_setNameRef (GblObject *pSelf, const GblStringRef *pRef)
GblObjectGblObject_parent (const GblObject *pSelf)
void GblObject_setParent (GblObject *pSelf, GblObject *pParent)
void GblObject_addChild (GblObject *pSelf, GblObject *pChild)
GblBool GblObject_removeChild (GblObject *pSelf, GblObject *pChild)
size_t GblObject_depth (const GblObject *pSelf)
GblObjectGblObject_childFirst (const GblObject *pSelf)
size_t GblObject_childCount (const GblObject *pSelf)
GblObjectGblObject_siblingNext (const GblObject *pSelf)
GblObjectGblObject_findAncestorByType (const GblObject *pSelf, GblType ancestorType)
GblObjectGblObject_findAncestorByName (const GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName)
GblObjectGblObject_findAncestorByHeight (const GblObject *pSelf, size_t height)
GblObjectGblObject_findBaseByDepth (const GblObject *pSelf, size_t depth)
GblObjectGblObject_findChildByType (const GblObject *pSelf, GblType childType)
GblObjectGblObject_findChildByName (const GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName)
GblObjectGblObject_findChildByIndex (const GblObject *pSelf, size_t index)
GblObjectGblObject_findSiblingByType (const GblObject *pSelf, GblType siblingType)
GblObjectGblObject_findSiblingByName (const GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName)
GblObjectGblObject_findSiblingByIndex (const GblObject *pSelf, size_t index)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_sendEvent (GblObject *pSelf, GblEvent *pEvent)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_notifyEvent (GblObject *pSelf, GblEvent *pEvent)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_installEventFilter (GblObject *pSelf, GblIEventFilter *pFilter)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_uninstallEventFilter (GblObject *pSelf, GblIEventFilter *pFilter)
size_t GblObject_eventFilterCount (const GblObject *pSelf)
GblIEventFilter * GblObject_eventFilter (const GblObject *pSelf, size_t index)
- Public Member Functions inherited from GblBox
GblBoxGblBox_ref (GblBox *pSelf)
GblRefCount GblBox_unref (GblBox *pSelf)
GblRefCount GblBox_refCount (const GblBox *pSelf)
void * GblBox_userdata (const GblBox *pSelf)
GBL_RESULT GblBox_setUserdata (GblBox *pSelf, void *pUserdata)
GBL_RESULT GblBox_setUserDestructor (GblBox *pSelf, GblArrayMapDtorFn pFnUdDtor)
uintptr_t GblBox_field (const GblBox *pSelf, GblQuark key)
uintptr_t GblBox_takeField (GblBox *pSelf, GblQuark key)
GblBool GblBox_clearField (GblBox *pSelf, GblQuark key)
GblBool GblBox_hasField (const GblBox *pSelf, GblQuark key)
GBL_RESULT GblBox_setField (GblBox *pSelf, GblQuark key, uintptr_t ud, GblArrayMapDtorFn pFnDtor)
GblBoxGblBox_ref (GblBox *pSelf)
GblRefCount GblBox_unref (GblBox *pSelf)
GblRefCount GblBox_refCount (const GblBox *pSelf)
void * GblBox_userdata (const GblBox *pSelf)
GBL_RESULT GblBox_setUserdata (GblBox *pSelf, void *pUserdata)
GBL_RESULT GblBox_setUserDestructor (GblBox *pSelf, GblArrayMapDtorFn pFnUdDtor)
uintptr_t GblBox_field (const GblBox *pSelf, GblQuark key)
uintptr_t GblBox_takeField (GblBox *pSelf, GblQuark key)
GblBool GblBox_clearField (GblBox *pSelf, GblQuark key)
GblBool GblBox_hasField (const GblBox *pSelf, GblQuark key)
GBL_RESULT GblBox_setField (GblBox *pSelf, GblQuark key, uintptr_t ud, GblArrayMapDtorFn pFnDtor)
- Public Member Functions inherited from GblInstance
GblRefCount GblInstance_destroy (GblInstance *pSelf)
GblBool GblInstance_check (const GblInstance *pSelf, GblType toType)
GblInstanceGblInstance_cast (GblInstance *pSelf, GblType toType)
GblInstanceGblInstance_as (GblInstance *pSelf, GblType toType)
void * GblInstance_private (const GblInstance *pSelf, GblType base)
GblInstanceGblInstance_public (const void *pPriv, GblType base)
GblType GblInstance_typeOf (const GblInstance *pSelf)
size_t GblInstance_size (const GblInstance *pSelf)
size_t GblInstance_privateSize (const GblInstance *pSelf)
size_t GblInstance_totalSize (const GblInstance *pSelf)
GblClassGblInstance_class (const GblInstance *pSelf)
GBL_RESULT GblInstance_swizzleClass (GblInstance *pSelf, GblClass *pClass)
GBL_RESULT GblInstance_sinkClass (GblInstance *pSelf)
GBL_RESULT GblInstance_floatClass (GblInstance *pSelf)
GblBool GblInstance_check (const GblInstance *pSelf, GblType toType)
GblInstanceGblInstance_cast (GblInstance *pSelf, GblType toType)
GblInstanceGblInstance_as (GblInstance *pSelf, GblType toType)
void * GblInstance_private (const GblInstance *pSelf, GblType base)
GblInstanceGblInstance_public (const void *pPriv, GblType base)
GblType GblInstance_typeOf (const GblInstance *pSelf)
size_t GblInstance_size (const GblInstance *pSelf)
size_t GblInstance_privateSize (const GblInstance *pSelf)
size_t GblInstance_totalSize (const GblInstance *pSelf)
GblClassGblInstance_class (const GblInstance *pSelf)
GBL_RESULT GblInstance_swizzleClass (GblInstance *pSelf, GblClass *pClass)
GBL_RESULT GblInstance_sinkClass (GblInstance *pSelf)
GBL_RESULT GblInstance_floatClass (GblInstance *pSelf)

Detailed Description

GblInstance structure for EvmuPeripheral.

Actual instantiable object for a "memory" peripheral. Public members are user r/w toggles which are used for the back-end to notify the client that a particular region of memory has changed. The client is then to reset the toggle of interest, in acknolwedgement, so it can be set again later.

See also

Definition at line 71 of file evmu_ram.h.

Friends And Related Symbol Documentation

◆ EvmuRam_indirectAddress()

EvmuAddress EvmuRam_indirectAddress ( const EvmuRam pSelf,
size_t  mode 

Returns the memory address pointed to by the given register indirect mode.

◆ EvmuRam_popStack()

EvmuWord EvmuRam_popStack ( EvmuRam pSelf)

Pops the value from the top of the stack, returning it and updating the stack pointer.

◆ EvmuRam_programSrc()

EVMU_PROGRAM_SRC EvmuRam_programSrc ( const EvmuRam pSelf)

Returns the current source memory chip for program data (ROM or Flash)

◆ EvmuRam_pushStack()

EVMU_RESULT EvmuRam_pushStack ( EvmuRam pSelf,
EvmuWord  value 

Pushes value onto the top of the stack, updating the stack pointer.

◆ EvmuRam_readData()

EvmuWord EvmuRam_readData ( const EvmuRam pSelf,
EvmuAddress  addr 

Returns the register or port value located in data memory at the address given by addr.

◆ EvmuRam_readDataLatch()

EvmuWord EvmuRam_readDataLatch ( const EvmuRam pSelf,
EvmuAddress  addr 

Returns the latch value located in data memory at the address given by addr.

◆ EvmuRam_readProgram()

EvmuWord EvmuRam_readProgram ( const EvmuRam pSelf,
EvmuAddress  addr 

Returns the value located in program memory at the address given by addr.

◆ EvmuRam_setProgramSrc()

EVMU_RESULT EvmuRam_setProgramSrc ( EvmuRam pSelf,

Sets the current source memory chip for program data to src (ROM or Flash)

◆ EvmuRam_stackDepth()

int EvmuRam_stackDepth ( const EvmuRam pSelf)

Returns the current depth of the program stack.

◆ EvmuRam_viewData()

EvmuWord EvmuRam_viewData ( const EvmuRam pSelf,
EvmuAddress  addr 

Returns the register or port value located in data memory at the given address WITHOUT triggering read side-effects.

◆ EvmuRam_viewStack()

EvmuWord EvmuRam_viewStack ( const EvmuRam pSelf,
size_t  depth 

Returns the value at the given stack depth (0 is current stack location)

◆ EvmuRam_writeData()

EVMU_RESULT EvmuRam_writeData ( EvmuRam pSelf,
EvmuAddress  addr,
EvmuWord  val 

Writes val to the register or port at the addr address in data memory.

◆ EvmuRam_writeDataLatch()

EVMU_RESULT EvmuRam_writeDataLatch ( EvmuRam pSelf,
EvmuAddress  addr,
EvmuWord  val 

Writes val to the latch located at the addr address in data memory.

◆ EvmuRam_writeProgram()

EVMU_RESULT EvmuRam_writeProgram ( EvmuRam pSelf,
EvmuAddress  addr,
EvmuWord  val 

Writes the val value to the location given by addr to program memory.

Field Documentation

◆ base

EvmuPeripheral EvmuRam::base

Inherited base instance structure.

Definition at line 71 of file evmu_ram.h.

◆ dataChanged

GblBool EvmuRam::dataChanged

Definition at line 72 of file evmu_ram.h.

◆ pClass

EvmuRamClass* EvmuRam::pClass

Pointer to class/vtable structure.

Definition at line 71 of file evmu_ram.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: