libElysianVMU 1.6.0
Full-featured, accurate, cross-platform library emulating the Dreamcast's Visual Memory Unit
No Matches
EvmuVms Struct Reference

#include <evmu_vms.h>

Data Fields

char vmuDesc [16]
char dcDesc [32]
char creatorApp [16]
uint16_t iconCount
uint16_t animSpeed
uint16_t eyecatchType
uint16_t crc
uint32_t dataBytes
char reserved [20]
uint16_t palette [16]

Related Symbols

(Note that these are not member symbols.)

Read Accessors

Reading/calculating fields

GblBool EvmuVms_isValid (const EvmuVms *pSelf)
size_t EvmuVms_headerBytes (const EvmuVms *pSelf)
size_t EvmuVms_totalBytes (const EvmuVms *pSelf)
uint16_t EvmuVms_computeCrc (const EvmuVms *pSelf)
const void * EvmuVms_icon (const EvmuVms *pSelf, size_t index)
const void * EvmuVms_eyecatch (const EvmuVms *pSelf)
const char * EvmuVms_vmuDescription (const EvmuVms *pSelf, GblStringBuffer *pBuffer)
const char * EvmuVms_dcDescription (const EvmuVms *pSelf, GblStringBuffer *pBuffer)
const char * EvmuVms_creatorApp (const EvmuVms *pSelf, GblStringBuffer *pBuffer)
const char * EvmuVms_eyecatchTypeStr (const EvmuVms *pSelf)
EVMU_FILE_TYPE EvmuVms_guessFileType (const EvmuVms *pSelf)
Write Accessors

Writing to fields

size_t EvmuVms_setVmuDescription (EvmuVms *pSelf, const char *pStr)
size_t EvmuVms_setDcDescription (EvmuVms *pSelf, const char *pStr)
size_t EvmuVms_setCreatorApp (EvmuVms *pSelf, const char *pStr)

Miscellaneous methods

void EvmuVms_log (const EvmuVms *pSelf)
GblRingListEvmuVms_createIconsArgb4444 (const EvmuVms *pSelf)
GblByteArrayEvmuVms_createEyecatchArgb4444 (const EvmuVms *pSelf)
const char * EvmuVms_findVmiPath (const char *pPath, GblStringBuffer *pBuffer)

Detailed Description

Structure of the .VMS file header.

EvmuVms offers a struct and object-oriented API around the .VMS file format. This strucure only represents the header; however, the API expects that there is additional data beyond this header.

Strings are JIS X 0201 encocded (included within Shift-JIS), and are not NULL-terminateed (hence the accessor methods).
See also

Definition at line 107 of file evmu_vms.h.

Friends And Related Symbol Documentation

◆ EvmuVms_computeCrc()

uint16_t EvmuVms_computeCrc ( const EvmuVms pSelf)

Computes the expected CRC for the entire VMS file.

◆ EvmuVms_createEyecatchArgb4444()

GblByteArray * EvmuVms_createEyecatchArgb4444 ( const EvmuVms pSelf)

Creates a GblByteArray containing an ARG444 encoded bitmap for the eyecatch.

◆ EvmuVms_createIconsArgb4444()

GblRingList * EvmuVms_createIconsArgb4444 ( const EvmuVms pSelf)

Creates a GblRingList of GblByteArray instances containing ARGB444-encoded bitmaps for each icon.

◆ EvmuVms_creatorApp()

const char * EvmuVms_creatorApp ( const EvmuVms pSelf,
GblStringBuffer pBuffer 

Copies EvmuVms::creatorApp to the given buffer.

◆ EvmuVms_dcDescription()

const char * EvmuVms_dcDescription ( const EvmuVms pSelf,
GblStringBuffer pBuffer 

Copies EvmuVms::dcDesc to the given buffer.

◆ EvmuVms_eyecatch()

const void * EvmuVms_eyecatch ( const EvmuVms pSelf)

Returns a pointer to the raw eyecatch image data.

◆ EvmuVms_eyecatchTypeStr()

const char * EvmuVms_eyecatchTypeStr ( const EvmuVms pSelf)

Returns a string representation of the EvmuVms::eyecatchType.

◆ EvmuVms_findVmiPath()

const char * EvmuVms_findVmiPath ( const char *  pPath,
GblStringBuffer pBuffer 

Tries to find a valid path for the VMI file corresponding to the given VMS file, returning the path or NULL if not found.

◆ EvmuVms_guessFileType()

EVMU_FILE_TYPE EvmuVms_guessFileType ( const EvmuVms pSelf)

Attempts to autodetect the type of file represented by the VMS, usually for when no VMI is present.

◆ EvmuVms_headerBytes()

size_t EvmuVms_headerBytes ( const EvmuVms pSelf)

Returns the number of bytes of the VMS header, including graphics.

◆ EvmuVms_icon()

const void * EvmuVms_icon ( const EvmuVms pSelf,
size_t  index 

Returns a pointer to the raw icon image data for the given index.

◆ EvmuVms_isValid()

GblBool EvmuVms_isValid ( const EvmuVms pSelf)

Determine whether the given VMS header appears sane based on expected field values.

◆ EvmuVms_log()

void EvmuVms_log ( const EvmuVms pSelf)

Logs the properties of the VMS file to the libGimbal log system.

◆ EvmuVms_setCreatorApp()

size_t EvmuVms_setCreatorApp ( EvmuVms pSelf,
const char *  pStr 

Sets the EvmuVms::creatorApp field to the given string, returning the number of bytes copied.

◆ EvmuVms_setDcDescription()

size_t EvmuVms_setDcDescription ( EvmuVms pSelf,
const char *  pStr 

Sets the EvmuVms::dcDesc field to the given string, returning the number of bytes copied.

◆ EvmuVms_setVmuDescription()

size_t EvmuVms_setVmuDescription ( EvmuVms pSelf,
const char *  pStr 

Sets the EvmuVms::vmuDesc field to the given string, returning the number of bytes copied.

◆ EvmuVms_totalBytes()

size_t EvmuVms_totalBytes ( const EvmuVms pSelf)

Retruns the total calculated size of the VMS file, including header, icons, and eyecatch.

◆ EvmuVms_vmuDescription()

const char * EvmuVms_vmuDescription ( const EvmuVms pSelf,
GblStringBuffer pBuffer 

Copies EvmuVms::vmuDesc to the given buffer.

Field Documentation

◆ animSpeed

uint16_t EvmuVms::animSpeed

Number of frames to wait before advancing icon animation.

Definition at line 112 of file evmu_vms.h.

◆ crc

uint16_t EvmuVms::crc

CRC for whole file.

Definition at line 114 of file evmu_vms.h.

◆ creatorApp

char EvmuVms::creatorApp[16]

App used to create VMS file.

Definition at line 110 of file evmu_vms.h.

◆ dataBytes

uint32_t EvmuVms::dataBytes

Size of actual file data, without header, icons, and eyecatch (ignored for GAME files)

Definition at line 115 of file evmu_vms.h.

◆ dcDesc

char EvmuVms::dcDesc[32]

File description in DC BIOS.

Definition at line 109 of file evmu_vms.h.

◆ eyecatchType

uint16_t EvmuVms::eyecatchType

Type of eyecatch graphic.

Definition at line 113 of file evmu_vms.h.

◆ iconCount

uint16_t EvmuVms::iconCount

Number of icons in animation.

Definition at line 111 of file evmu_vms.h.

◆ palette

uint16_t EvmuVms::palette[16]

Palette color entries.

Definition at line 117 of file evmu_vms.h.

◆ reserved

char EvmuVms::reserved[20]


Set to 0.

Definition at line 116 of file evmu_vms.h.

◆ vmuDesc

char EvmuVms::vmuDesc[16]

File description in VMU BIOS.

Definition at line 108 of file evmu_vms.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: