GblContext * | GblObject_findContext (GblObject *pSelf) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_property (const GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName,...) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_propertyByQuark (const GblObject *pSelf, GblQuark name,...) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_propertyVaList (const GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName, va_list *pList) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_propertyVaListByQuark (const GblObject *pSelf, GblQuark name, va_list *pList) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_propertyVariant (const GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName, GblVariant *pValue) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_propertyVariantByQuark (const GblObject *pSelf, GblQuark name, GblVariant *pValue) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_properties (const GblObject *pSelf,...) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_propertiesVaList (const GblObject *pSelf, va_list *pList) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_propertiesVariants (const GblObject *pSelf, size_t count, const char *pNames[], GblVariant *pValue) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_setProperty (GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName,...) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_setPropertyByQuark (GblObject *pSelf, GblQuark quark,...) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_setPropertyVaList (GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName, va_list *pList) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_setPropertyVaListByQuark (GblObject *pSelf, GblQuark name, va_list *pList) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_setPropertyVariant (GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName, GblVariant *pValue) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_setPropertyVariantByQuark (GblObject *pSelf, GblQuark name, GblVariant *pValue) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_setProperties (GblObject *pSelf,...) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_setPropertiesVaList (GblObject *pSelf, va_list *pList) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_setPropertiesVariants (GblObject *pSelf, size_t count, const char *pNames[], GblVariant *pValue) |
const GblStringRef * | GblObject_name (const GblObject *pSelf) |
void | GblObject_setName (GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName) |
void | GblObject_setNameRef (GblObject *pSelf, const GblStringRef *pRef) |
GblObject * | GblObject_parent (const GblObject *pSelf) |
void | GblObject_setParent (GblObject *pSelf, GblObject *pParent) |
void | GblObject_addChild (GblObject *pSelf, GblObject *pChild) |
GblBool | GblObject_removeChild (GblObject *pSelf, GblObject *pChild) |
size_t | GblObject_depth (const GblObject *pSelf) |
GblObject * | GblObject_childFirst (const GblObject *pSelf) |
size_t | GblObject_childCount (const GblObject *pSelf) |
GblObject * | GblObject_siblingNext (const GblObject *pSelf) |
GblObject * | GblObject_findAncestorByType (const GblObject *pSelf, GblType ancestorType) |
GblObject * | GblObject_findAncestorByName (const GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName) |
GblObject * | GblObject_findAncestorByHeight (const GblObject *pSelf, size_t height) |
GblObject * | GblObject_findBaseByDepth (const GblObject *pSelf, size_t depth) |
GblObject * | GblObject_findChildByType (const GblObject *pSelf, GblType childType) |
GblObject * | GblObject_findChildByName (const GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName) |
GblObject * | GblObject_findChildByIndex (const GblObject *pSelf, size_t index) |
GblObject * | GblObject_findSiblingByType (const GblObject *pSelf, GblType siblingType) |
GblObject * | GblObject_findSiblingByName (const GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName) |
GblObject * | GblObject_findSiblingByIndex (const GblObject *pSelf, size_t index) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_sendEvent (GblObject *pSelf, GblEvent *pEvent) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_notifyEvent (GblObject *pSelf, GblEvent *pEvent) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_installEventFilter (GblObject *pSelf, GblIEventFilter *pFilter) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_uninstallEventFilter (GblObject *pSelf, GblIEventFilter *pFilter) |
size_t | GblObject_eventFilterCount (const GblObject *pSelf) |
GblIEventFilter * | GblObject_eventFilter (const GblObject *pSelf, size_t index) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_property (const GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName,...) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_propertyByQuark (const GblObject *pSelf, GblQuark name,...) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_propertyVaList (const GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName, va_list *pList) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_propertyVaListByQuark (const GblObject *pSelf, GblQuark name, va_list *pList) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_propertyVariant (const GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName, GblVariant *pValue) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_propertyVariantByQuark (const GblObject *pSelf, GblQuark name, GblVariant *pValue) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_properties (const GblObject *pSelf,...) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_propertiesVaList (const GblObject *pSelf, va_list *pList) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_propertiesVariants (const GblObject *pSelf, size_t count, const char *pNames[], GblVariant *pValue) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_setProperty (GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName,...) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_setPropertyByQuark (GblObject *pSelf, GblQuark quark,...) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_setPropertyVaList (GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName, va_list *pList) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_setPropertyVaListByQuark (GblObject *pSelf, GblQuark name, va_list *pList) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_setPropertyVariant (GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName, GblVariant *pValue) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_setPropertyVariantByQuark (GblObject *pSelf, GblQuark name, GblVariant *pValue) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_setProperties (GblObject *pSelf,...) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_setPropertiesVaList (GblObject *pSelf, va_list *pList) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_setPropertiesVariants (GblObject *pSelf, size_t count, const char *pNames[], GblVariant *pValue) |
const GblStringRef * | GblObject_name (const GblObject *pSelf) |
void | GblObject_setName (GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName) |
void | GblObject_setNameRef (GblObject *pSelf, const GblStringRef *pRef) |
GblObject * | GblObject_parent (const GblObject *pSelf) |
void | GblObject_setParent (GblObject *pSelf, GblObject *pParent) |
void | GblObject_addChild (GblObject *pSelf, GblObject *pChild) |
GblBool | GblObject_removeChild (GblObject *pSelf, GblObject *pChild) |
size_t | GblObject_depth (const GblObject *pSelf) |
GblObject * | GblObject_childFirst (const GblObject *pSelf) |
size_t | GblObject_childCount (const GblObject *pSelf) |
GblObject * | GblObject_siblingNext (const GblObject *pSelf) |
GblObject * | GblObject_findAncestorByType (const GblObject *pSelf, GblType ancestorType) |
GblObject * | GblObject_findAncestorByName (const GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName) |
GblObject * | GblObject_findAncestorByHeight (const GblObject *pSelf, size_t height) |
GblObject * | GblObject_findBaseByDepth (const GblObject *pSelf, size_t depth) |
GblObject * | GblObject_findChildByType (const GblObject *pSelf, GblType childType) |
GblObject * | GblObject_findChildByName (const GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName) |
GblObject * | GblObject_findChildByIndex (const GblObject *pSelf, size_t index) |
GblObject * | GblObject_findSiblingByType (const GblObject *pSelf, GblType siblingType) |
GblObject * | GblObject_findSiblingByName (const GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName) |
GblObject * | GblObject_findSiblingByIndex (const GblObject *pSelf, size_t index) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_sendEvent (GblObject *pSelf, GblEvent *pEvent) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_notifyEvent (GblObject *pSelf, GblEvent *pEvent) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_installEventFilter (GblObject *pSelf, GblIEventFilter *pFilter) |
GBL_RESULT | GblObject_uninstallEventFilter (GblObject *pSelf, GblIEventFilter *pFilter) |
size_t | GblObject_eventFilterCount (const GblObject *pSelf) |
GblIEventFilter * | GblObject_eventFilter (const GblObject *pSelf, size_t index) |
GblBox * | GblBox_ref (GblBox *pSelf) |
GblRefCount | GblBox_unref (GblBox *pSelf) |
GblRefCount | GblBox_refCount (const GblBox *pSelf) |
void * | GblBox_userdata (const GblBox *pSelf) |
GBL_RESULT | GblBox_setUserdata (GblBox *pSelf, void *pUserdata) |
GBL_RESULT | GblBox_setUserDestructor (GblBox *pSelf, GblArrayMapDtorFn pFnUdDtor) |
uintptr_t | GblBox_field (const GblBox *pSelf, GblQuark key) |
uintptr_t | GblBox_takeField (GblBox *pSelf, GblQuark key) |
GblBool | GblBox_clearField (GblBox *pSelf, GblQuark key) |
GblBool | GblBox_hasField (const GblBox *pSelf, GblQuark key) |
GBL_RESULT | GblBox_setField (GblBox *pSelf, GblQuark key, uintptr_t ud, GblArrayMapDtorFn pFnDtor) |
GblBox * | GblBox_ref (GblBox *pSelf) |
GblRefCount | GblBox_unref (GblBox *pSelf) |
GblRefCount | GblBox_refCount (const GblBox *pSelf) |
void * | GblBox_userdata (const GblBox *pSelf) |
GBL_RESULT | GblBox_setUserdata (GblBox *pSelf, void *pUserdata) |
GBL_RESULT | GblBox_setUserDestructor (GblBox *pSelf, GblArrayMapDtorFn pFnUdDtor) |
uintptr_t | GblBox_field (const GblBox *pSelf, GblQuark key) |
uintptr_t | GblBox_takeField (GblBox *pSelf, GblQuark key) |
GblBool | GblBox_clearField (GblBox *pSelf, GblQuark key) |
GblBool | GblBox_hasField (const GblBox *pSelf, GblQuark key) |
GBL_RESULT | GblBox_setField (GblBox *pSelf, GblQuark key, uintptr_t ud, GblArrayMapDtorFn pFnDtor) |
GblRefCount | GblInstance_destroy (GblInstance *pSelf) |
GblBool | GblInstance_check (const GblInstance *pSelf, GblType toType) |
GblInstance * | GblInstance_cast (GblInstance *pSelf, GblType toType) |
GblInstance * | GblInstance_as (GblInstance *pSelf, GblType toType) |
void * | GblInstance_private (const GblInstance *pSelf, GblType base) |
GblInstance * | GblInstance_public (const void *pPriv, GblType base) |
GblType | GblInstance_typeOf (const GblInstance *pSelf) |
size_t | GblInstance_size (const GblInstance *pSelf) |
size_t | GblInstance_privateSize (const GblInstance *pSelf) |
size_t | GblInstance_totalSize (const GblInstance *pSelf) |
GblClass * | GblInstance_class (const GblInstance *pSelf) |
GBL_RESULT | GblInstance_swizzleClass (GblInstance *pSelf, GblClass *pClass) |
GBL_RESULT | GblInstance_sinkClass (GblInstance *pSelf) |
GBL_RESULT | GblInstance_floatClass (GblInstance *pSelf) |
GblBool | GblInstance_check (const GblInstance *pSelf, GblType toType) |
GblInstance * | GblInstance_cast (GblInstance *pSelf, GblType toType) |
GblInstance * | GblInstance_as (GblInstance *pSelf, GblType toType) |
void * | GblInstance_private (const GblInstance *pSelf, GblType base) |
GblInstance * | GblInstance_public (const void *pPriv, GblType base) |
GblType | GblInstance_typeOf (const GblInstance *pSelf) |
size_t | GblInstance_size (const GblInstance *pSelf) |
size_t | GblInstance_privateSize (const GblInstance *pSelf) |
size_t | GblInstance_totalSize (const GblInstance *pSelf) |
GblClass * | GblInstance_class (const GblInstance *pSelf) |
GBL_RESULT | GblInstance_swizzleClass (GblInstance *pSelf, GblClass *pClass) |
GBL_RESULT | GblInstance_sinkClass (GblInstance *pSelf) |
GBL_RESULT | GblInstance_floatClass (GblInstance *pSelf) |
Sanyo LC86k CPU core.
EvmuCpu is an EvmuPeripheral which implements all of the logic behind and provides an API for the CPU core.
In addition to managing normal program flow, it allows you to feed in individual instructions and then query for their decoded operands and opcode. It also provides a signal for when the PC changes, which can be used to implement breakpoints and instruction tracing.
- See also
- EvmuCpuClass
Definition at line 91 of file evmu_cpu.h.