libElysianVMU 1.6.0
Full-featured, accurate, cross-platform library emulating the Dreamcast's Visual Memory Unit
No Matches
evmu_cpu.h File Reference

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Data Structures

struct  EvmuCpuClass
struct  EvmuCpu


#define EVMU_CPU_NAME   "cpu"
Type System

Type UUID and cast operators

#define EVMU_CPU_TYPE   (GBL_TYPEID(EvmuCpu))
#define EVMU_CPU(self)   (GBL_CAST(EvmuCpu, self))
#define EVMU_CPU_CLASS(klass)   (GBL_CLASS_CAST(EvmuCpu, klass))
#define EVMU_CPU_GET_CLASS(self)   (GBL_CLASSOF(EvmuCpu, self))


typedef uint16_t EvmuPc


GblType EvmuCpu_type (void)

Detailed Description

EvmuCpu: Sanyo LC86k CPU Core.

EvmuCpu models the main execution unit on the Potato. It provides an API for executing and fetching info on instructions.

Additionally, virtual methods within EvmuCpu can be overridden to provide custom CPU and opcode implementations.

  • secs per instruction in msec/nsec, not float
  • pull Rom/BIOS update out of CPU update path
  • implement/respect halted flags
  • ensure OV is set when divison by 0 occurs

Definition in file evmu_cpu.h.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define EVMU_CPU (   self)    (GBL_CAST(EvmuCpu, self))

Cast GblInstance to EvmuCpu.

Definition at line 33 of file evmu_cpu.h.


#define EVMU_CPU_CLASS (   klass)    (GBL_CLASS_CAST(EvmuCpu, klass))

Cast GblClass to EvmuCpuClass.

Definition at line 34 of file evmu_cpu.h.


#define EVMU_CPU_GET_CLASS (   self)    (GBL_CLASSOF(EvmuCpu, self))

Get EvmuCpuClass from GblInstance

Definition at line 35 of file evmu_cpu.h.


#define EVMU_CPU_NAME   "cpu"

GblObject name for EvmCpu.

Definition at line 38 of file evmu_cpu.h.


#define EVMU_CPU_TYPE   (GBL_TYPEID(EvmuCpu))

Type UUID for EvmuCpu.

Definition at line 32 of file evmu_cpu.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ EvmuPc

typedef uint16_t EvmuPc

Program counter for EvmuCpu instructions.

Definition at line 47 of file evmu_cpu.h.

Function Documentation

◆ EvmuCpu_type()

GblType EvmuCpu_type ( void  )

Returns the GblType UUID associated with EvmuCpu.