libElysianVMU 1.6.0
Full-featured, accurate, cross-platform library emulating the Dreamcast's Visual Memory Unit
No Matches
EvmuFileManager Struct Reference

#include <evmu_file_manager.h>

Inheritance diagram for EvmuFileManager:
EvmuFat EvmuFlash EvmuPeripheral EvmuIMemory GblObject EvmuIBehavior GblBox GblITableVariant GblInstance

Data Fields

union { 
   EvmuFileManagerClass *   pClass 
   EvmuFat   base 
- Data Fields inherited from EvmuFat
union { 
   EvmuFatClass *   pClass 
   EvmuFlash   base 
- Data Fields inherited from EvmuFlash
union { 
   EvmuFlashClass *   pClass 
   EvmuPeripheral   base 
GblBool dataChanged
- Data Fields inherited from EvmuPeripheral
union { 
   EvmuPeripheralClass *   pClass 
   GblObject   base 
GblFlags logLevel
- Data Fields inherited from GblObject
GblBox base
- Data Fields inherited from GblBox
GblInstance base
volatile uint16_t refCounter
uint16_t contextType
uint16_t constructedInPlace
uint16_t derivedFlags
- Data Fields inherited from GblInstance

Related Symbols

(Note that these are not member symbols.)

Filesystem Operations

Methods for serializing and deserializing the filesystem

EVMU_RESULT EvmuFileManager_load (EvmuFileManager *pSelf, const char *pPath)
EVMU_RESULT EvmuFileManager_save (const EvmuFileManager *pSelf, const char *pPath)
EVMU_RESULT EvmuFileManager_defrag (EvmuFileManager *pSelf)
File Discovery

Methods for enumerating, looking-up, and retrieving files

size_t EvmuFileManager_count (const EvmuFileManager *pSelf)
EvmuDirEntryEvmuFileManager_file (const EvmuFileManager *pSelf, size_t index)
EvmuDirEntryEvmuFileManager_game (const EvmuFileManager *pSelf)
EvmuDirEntryEvmuFileManager_iconData (const EvmuFileManager *pSelf)
EvmuDirEntryEvmuFileManager_find (const EvmuFileManager *pSelf, const char *pName)
GblBool EvmuFileManager_foreach (const EvmuFileManager *pSelf, EvmuDirEntryIterFn pFnIt, void *pClosure)
File Operations

Methods for operating on and with files

EvmuDirEntryEvmuFileManager_alloc (EvmuFileManager *pSelf, EvmuNewFileInfo *pInfo, const void *pData)
size_t EvmuFileManager_free (EvmuFileManager *pSelf, EvmuDirEntry *pEntry)
size_t EvmuFileManager_read (const EvmuFileManager *pSelf, const EvmuDirEntry *pEntry, void *pBuffer, size_t size, size_t offset, GblBool inclHdr)
size_t EvmuFileManager_write (const EvmuFileManager *pSelf, const EvmuDirEntry *pEntry, const void *pBuffer, size_t size, size_t offset)
EVMU_RESULT EvmuFileManager_export (const EvmuFileManager *pSelf, const EvmuDirEntry *pEntry, const char *pPath)
File Information

Methods for calculating and retrieving file info

size_t EvmuFileManager_bytes (const EvmuFileManager *pSelf, const EvmuDirEntry *pEntry)
size_t EvmuFileManager_index (const EvmuFileManager *pSelf, const EvmuDirEntry *pEntry)
EvmuVmsEvmuFileManager_vms (const EvmuFileManager *pSelf, const EvmuDirEntry *pEntry)
uint16_t EvmuFileManager_crc (const EvmuFileManager *pSelf, const EvmuDirEntry *pEntry)

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from GblObject
GblContextGblObject_findContext (GblObject *pSelf)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_property (const GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName,...)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_propertyByQuark (const GblObject *pSelf, GblQuark name,...)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_propertyVaList (const GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName, va_list *pList)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_propertyVaListByQuark (const GblObject *pSelf, GblQuark name, va_list *pList)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_propertyVariant (const GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName, GblVariant *pValue)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_propertyVariantByQuark (const GblObject *pSelf, GblQuark name, GblVariant *pValue)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_properties (const GblObject *pSelf,...)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_propertiesVaList (const GblObject *pSelf, va_list *pList)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_propertiesVariants (const GblObject *pSelf, size_t count, const char *pNames[], GblVariant *pValue)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_setProperty (GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName,...)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_setPropertyByQuark (GblObject *pSelf, GblQuark quark,...)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_setPropertyVaList (GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName, va_list *pList)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_setPropertyVaListByQuark (GblObject *pSelf, GblQuark name, va_list *pList)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_setPropertyVariant (GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName, GblVariant *pValue)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_setPropertyVariantByQuark (GblObject *pSelf, GblQuark name, GblVariant *pValue)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_setProperties (GblObject *pSelf,...)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_setPropertiesVaList (GblObject *pSelf, va_list *pList)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_setPropertiesVariants (GblObject *pSelf, size_t count, const char *pNames[], GblVariant *pValue)
const GblStringRefGblObject_name (const GblObject *pSelf)
void GblObject_setName (GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName)
void GblObject_setNameRef (GblObject *pSelf, const GblStringRef *pRef)
GblObjectGblObject_parent (const GblObject *pSelf)
void GblObject_setParent (GblObject *pSelf, GblObject *pParent)
void GblObject_addChild (GblObject *pSelf, GblObject *pChild)
GblBool GblObject_removeChild (GblObject *pSelf, GblObject *pChild)
size_t GblObject_depth (const GblObject *pSelf)
GblObjectGblObject_childFirst (const GblObject *pSelf)
size_t GblObject_childCount (const GblObject *pSelf)
GblObjectGblObject_siblingNext (const GblObject *pSelf)
GblObjectGblObject_findAncestorByType (const GblObject *pSelf, GblType ancestorType)
GblObjectGblObject_findAncestorByName (const GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName)
GblObjectGblObject_findAncestorByHeight (const GblObject *pSelf, size_t height)
GblObjectGblObject_findBaseByDepth (const GblObject *pSelf, size_t depth)
GblObjectGblObject_findChildByType (const GblObject *pSelf, GblType childType)
GblObjectGblObject_findChildByName (const GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName)
GblObjectGblObject_findChildByIndex (const GblObject *pSelf, size_t index)
GblObjectGblObject_findSiblingByType (const GblObject *pSelf, GblType siblingType)
GblObjectGblObject_findSiblingByName (const GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName)
GblObjectGblObject_findSiblingByIndex (const GblObject *pSelf, size_t index)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_sendEvent (GblObject *pSelf, GblEvent *pEvent)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_notifyEvent (GblObject *pSelf, GblEvent *pEvent)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_installEventFilter (GblObject *pSelf, GblIEventFilter *pFilter)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_uninstallEventFilter (GblObject *pSelf, GblIEventFilter *pFilter)
size_t GblObject_eventFilterCount (const GblObject *pSelf)
GblIEventFilter * GblObject_eventFilter (const GblObject *pSelf, size_t index)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_property (const GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName,...)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_propertyByQuark (const GblObject *pSelf, GblQuark name,...)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_propertyVaList (const GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName, va_list *pList)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_propertyVaListByQuark (const GblObject *pSelf, GblQuark name, va_list *pList)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_propertyVariant (const GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName, GblVariant *pValue)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_propertyVariantByQuark (const GblObject *pSelf, GblQuark name, GblVariant *pValue)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_properties (const GblObject *pSelf,...)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_propertiesVaList (const GblObject *pSelf, va_list *pList)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_propertiesVariants (const GblObject *pSelf, size_t count, const char *pNames[], GblVariant *pValue)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_setProperty (GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName,...)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_setPropertyByQuark (GblObject *pSelf, GblQuark quark,...)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_setPropertyVaList (GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName, va_list *pList)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_setPropertyVaListByQuark (GblObject *pSelf, GblQuark name, va_list *pList)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_setPropertyVariant (GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName, GblVariant *pValue)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_setPropertyVariantByQuark (GblObject *pSelf, GblQuark name, GblVariant *pValue)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_setProperties (GblObject *pSelf,...)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_setPropertiesVaList (GblObject *pSelf, va_list *pList)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_setPropertiesVariants (GblObject *pSelf, size_t count, const char *pNames[], GblVariant *pValue)
const GblStringRefGblObject_name (const GblObject *pSelf)
void GblObject_setName (GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName)
void GblObject_setNameRef (GblObject *pSelf, const GblStringRef *pRef)
GblObjectGblObject_parent (const GblObject *pSelf)
void GblObject_setParent (GblObject *pSelf, GblObject *pParent)
void GblObject_addChild (GblObject *pSelf, GblObject *pChild)
GblBool GblObject_removeChild (GblObject *pSelf, GblObject *pChild)
size_t GblObject_depth (const GblObject *pSelf)
GblObjectGblObject_childFirst (const GblObject *pSelf)
size_t GblObject_childCount (const GblObject *pSelf)
GblObjectGblObject_siblingNext (const GblObject *pSelf)
GblObjectGblObject_findAncestorByType (const GblObject *pSelf, GblType ancestorType)
GblObjectGblObject_findAncestorByName (const GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName)
GblObjectGblObject_findAncestorByHeight (const GblObject *pSelf, size_t height)
GblObjectGblObject_findBaseByDepth (const GblObject *pSelf, size_t depth)
GblObjectGblObject_findChildByType (const GblObject *pSelf, GblType childType)
GblObjectGblObject_findChildByName (const GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName)
GblObjectGblObject_findChildByIndex (const GblObject *pSelf, size_t index)
GblObjectGblObject_findSiblingByType (const GblObject *pSelf, GblType siblingType)
GblObjectGblObject_findSiblingByName (const GblObject *pSelf, const char *pName)
GblObjectGblObject_findSiblingByIndex (const GblObject *pSelf, size_t index)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_sendEvent (GblObject *pSelf, GblEvent *pEvent)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_notifyEvent (GblObject *pSelf, GblEvent *pEvent)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_installEventFilter (GblObject *pSelf, GblIEventFilter *pFilter)
GBL_RESULT GblObject_uninstallEventFilter (GblObject *pSelf, GblIEventFilter *pFilter)
size_t GblObject_eventFilterCount (const GblObject *pSelf)
GblIEventFilter * GblObject_eventFilter (const GblObject *pSelf, size_t index)
- Public Member Functions inherited from GblBox
GblBoxGblBox_ref (GblBox *pSelf)
GblRefCount GblBox_unref (GblBox *pSelf)
GblRefCount GblBox_refCount (const GblBox *pSelf)
void * GblBox_userdata (const GblBox *pSelf)
GBL_RESULT GblBox_setUserdata (GblBox *pSelf, void *pUserdata)
GBL_RESULT GblBox_setUserDestructor (GblBox *pSelf, GblArrayMapDtorFn pFnUdDtor)
uintptr_t GblBox_field (const GblBox *pSelf, GblQuark key)
uintptr_t GblBox_takeField (GblBox *pSelf, GblQuark key)
GblBool GblBox_clearField (GblBox *pSelf, GblQuark key)
GblBool GblBox_hasField (const GblBox *pSelf, GblQuark key)
GBL_RESULT GblBox_setField (GblBox *pSelf, GblQuark key, uintptr_t ud, GblArrayMapDtorFn pFnDtor)
GblBoxGblBox_ref (GblBox *pSelf)
GblRefCount GblBox_unref (GblBox *pSelf)
GblRefCount GblBox_refCount (const GblBox *pSelf)
void * GblBox_userdata (const GblBox *pSelf)
GBL_RESULT GblBox_setUserdata (GblBox *pSelf, void *pUserdata)
GBL_RESULT GblBox_setUserDestructor (GblBox *pSelf, GblArrayMapDtorFn pFnUdDtor)
uintptr_t GblBox_field (const GblBox *pSelf, GblQuark key)
uintptr_t GblBox_takeField (GblBox *pSelf, GblQuark key)
GblBool GblBox_clearField (GblBox *pSelf, GblQuark key)
GblBool GblBox_hasField (const GblBox *pSelf, GblQuark key)
GBL_RESULT GblBox_setField (GblBox *pSelf, GblQuark key, uintptr_t ud, GblArrayMapDtorFn pFnDtor)
- Public Member Functions inherited from GblInstance
GblRefCount GblInstance_destroy (GblInstance *pSelf)
GblBool GblInstance_check (const GblInstance *pSelf, GblType toType)
GblInstanceGblInstance_cast (GblInstance *pSelf, GblType toType)
GblInstanceGblInstance_as (GblInstance *pSelf, GblType toType)
void * GblInstance_private (const GblInstance *pSelf, GblType base)
GblInstanceGblInstance_public (const void *pPriv, GblType base)
GblType GblInstance_typeOf (const GblInstance *pSelf)
size_t GblInstance_size (const GblInstance *pSelf)
size_t GblInstance_privateSize (const GblInstance *pSelf)
size_t GblInstance_totalSize (const GblInstance *pSelf)
GblClassGblInstance_class (const GblInstance *pSelf)
GBL_RESULT GblInstance_swizzleClass (GblInstance *pSelf, GblClass *pClass)
GBL_RESULT GblInstance_sinkClass (GblInstance *pSelf)
GBL_RESULT GblInstance_floatClass (GblInstance *pSelf)
GblBool GblInstance_check (const GblInstance *pSelf, GblType toType)
GblInstanceGblInstance_cast (GblInstance *pSelf, GblType toType)
GblInstanceGblInstance_as (GblInstance *pSelf, GblType toType)
void * GblInstance_private (const GblInstance *pSelf, GblType base)
GblInstanceGblInstance_public (const void *pPriv, GblType base)
GblType GblInstance_typeOf (const GblInstance *pSelf)
size_t GblInstance_size (const GblInstance *pSelf)
size_t GblInstance_privateSize (const GblInstance *pSelf)
size_t GblInstance_totalSize (const GblInstance *pSelf)
GblClassGblInstance_class (const GblInstance *pSelf)
GBL_RESULT GblInstance_swizzleClass (GblInstance *pSelf, GblClass *pClass)
GBL_RESULT GblInstance_sinkClass (GblInstance *pSelf)
GBL_RESULT GblInstance_floatClass (GblInstance *pSelf)

Detailed Description

High-level file-oriented flash API.

EvmuFileManager is the most high-level, user-friendly way to manage the VMU's filesystem and handle loading and saving both both individual ROM images and the entire flash filesystem.

See also

Definition at line 68 of file evmu_file_manager.h.

Friends And Related Symbol Documentation

◆ EvmuFileManager_alloc()

EvmuDirEntry * EvmuFileManager_alloc ( EvmuFileManager pSelf,
EvmuNewFileInfo pInfo,
const void *  pData 

Creates storage for a new file with the given info, copying its contents into the filesystem.

◆ EvmuFileManager_bytes()

size_t EvmuFileManager_bytes ( const EvmuFileManager pSelf,
const EvmuDirEntry pEntry 

Returns the total byte size of the file on the filesystem, including the VMS header, icons, eyecatc, etc.

◆ EvmuFileManager_count()

size_t EvmuFileManager_count ( const EvmuFileManager pSelf)

Returns the number of files which are currently loaded within the filesystem.

◆ EvmuFileManager_crc()

uint16_t EvmuFileManager_crc ( const EvmuFileManager pSelf,
const EvmuDirEntry pEntry 

Calculates the 16-bit CRC for an existing file on the filesystem.

◆ EvmuFileManager_defrag()

EVMU_RESULT EvmuFileManager_defrag ( EvmuFileManager pSelf)

Defragments the filesystem, consolidating all free blocks, storing all files contiguously.

◆ EvmuFileManager_export()

EVMU_RESULT EvmuFileManager_export ( const EvmuFileManager pSelf,
const EvmuDirEntry pEntry,
const char *  pPath 

Exports an existing file to the given path, with the file format automatically deduced from the extension type.

◆ EvmuFileManager_file()

EvmuDirEntry * EvmuFileManager_file ( const EvmuFileManager pSelf,
size_t  index 

Returns the directory entry for the file at the given index, or NULL if there isn't one.

◆ EvmuFileManager_find()

EvmuDirEntry * EvmuFileManager_find ( const EvmuFileManager pSelf,
const char *  pName 

Searches for a directory entry with the given name, returning it if found or returning NULL if not found.

◆ EvmuFileManager_foreach()

GblBool EvmuFileManager_foreach ( const EvmuFileManager pSelf,
EvmuDirEntryIterFn  pFnIt,
void *  pClosure 

Iterates over directory entries, passing each with pClosure to pFnIt, returning early with GBL_TRUE if pFnIt returns GBL_TRUE.

◆ EvmuFileManager_free()

size_t EvmuFileManager_free ( EvmuFileManager pSelf,
EvmuDirEntry pEntry 

Destroys an existing file, releasing resources back to the filesystem.

◆ EvmuFileManager_game()

EvmuDirEntry * EvmuFileManager_game ( const EvmuFileManager pSelf)

Returns the directory entry for the currently loaded GAME file, or NULL if there isn't one.

◆ EvmuFileManager_iconData()

EvmuDirEntry * EvmuFileManager_iconData ( const EvmuFileManager pSelf)

Returns the directory entry for the currently loaded ICONDATA.VMS file, or NULL if there isn't one.

◆ EvmuFileManager_index()

size_t EvmuFileManager_index ( const EvmuFileManager pSelf,
const EvmuDirEntry pEntry 

Returns the file index corresponding to a given directory entry for a file.

◆ EvmuFileManager_load()

EVMU_RESULT EvmuFileManager_load ( EvmuFileManager pSelf,
const char *  pPath 

Loads a generic image whose type is determined by its extension into flash.

◆ EvmuFileManager_read()

size_t EvmuFileManager_read ( const EvmuFileManager pSelf,
const EvmuDirEntry pEntry,
void *  pBuffer,
size_t  size,
size_t  offset,
GblBool  inclHdr 

Performs a generic read from an existing file, returning the number of bytes successfully read.

◆ EvmuFileManager_save()

EVMU_RESULT EvmuFileManager_save ( const EvmuFileManager pSelf,
const char *  pPath 

Saves a binary image of the entire contents of flash to a file, whose format is determined by its extension.

◆ EvmuFileManager_vms()

EvmuVms * EvmuFileManager_vms ( const EvmuFileManager pSelf,
const EvmuDirEntry pEntry 

Returns the VMS header segment (ONLY) for an existing file (not the entire VMS data with icons, eyecatch, etc)

◆ EvmuFileManager_write()

size_t EvmuFileManager_write ( const EvmuFileManager pSelf,
const EvmuDirEntry pEntry,
const void *  pBuffer,
size_t  size,
size_t  offset 

Performs a generic write from an existing file, returning the number of bytes successfully written.

Field Documentation

◆ base

EvmuFat EvmuFileManager::base

Inherited base instance structure.

Definition at line 68 of file evmu_file_manager.h.

◆ pClass

EvmuFileManagerClass* EvmuFileManager::pClass

Pointer to class/vtable structure.

Definition at line 68 of file evmu_file_manager.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: