libElysianVMU 1.6.0
Full-featured, accurate, cross-platform library emulating the Dreamcast's Visual Memory Unit
No Matches
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 CEvmuBatteryGblInstance structure for the battery peripheral
 CEvmuBatteryClassGblClass VTable structure for EvmuBattery
 CEvmuBuzzerInstance structure for Buzzer Peripheral
 CEvmuBuzzerClassGblClass structure for EvmuBuzzer
 CEvmuClockAPI for oscillators, clock sources, and timing
 CEvmuClockClassGblClass structure for EvmuClock
 CEvmuClockEventGblEvent-derived type for clock-related events
 CEvmuClockEventClassGblClass structure for EvmuClockEvent
 CEvmuClockStatsContains information on the current satte of a particular clock
 CEvmuCpuSanyo LC86k CPU core
 CEvmuCpuClassClass for Sanyo LC86k CPU core
 CEvmuDecodedInstructionRepresents an instruction which has been decoded
 CEvmuDeviceGblInstance structure for VMU Devices
 CEvmuDeviceClassGblClass structure for EvmuDevice
 CEvmuDirEntryRepresents a single entry into the FAT directory
 CEvmuEmulatorTop-level module for emulator
 CEvmuEmulatorClassGblClass structure for EvmuEmulator
 CEvmuFatPeripheral providing 8-bit FAT API
 CEvmuFatClassGblClass structure for EvmuFat
 CEvmuFatInfoMatches maple attributes for describing storage medium
 CEvmuFatUsageStruct used for querying current FAT block allocation status
 CEvmuFileManagerHigh-level file-oriented flash API
 CEvmuFileManagerClassGblClass vtable structure for EvmuFileManager
 CEvmuFlashEvmuFlash offers the lowest, hardware-level access to the VMU's flash storage
 CEvmuFlashClassGblClass VTable structure for EvmuFlash
 CEvmuGamepadGamepad peripheral for managing button states
 CEvmuGamepadClassGblClass VTable structure for EvmuGamepad
 CEvmuIBehaviorClassGblInterface/VTable for all EvmuBehaviors
 CEvmuIconDataHeader structure for the ICONDATA_VMS special VMU file
 CEvmuIMemoryInterfaced type for generic read/write memory
 CEvmuIMemoryClassGblClass structure for EvmuIMemory
 CEvmuInstructionContains a collection of bytes, representing an encoded instruction
 CEvmuInstructionFormatStructrure describing the format of each type of instruction
 CEvmuLcdEvmuLcd screen and framebuffer peripheral
 CEvmuLcdClassGblClass for EvmuLcd
 CEvmuMemoryEventGblEvent-derived type for memory-related events
 CEvmuMemoryEventClassGblClass structure for EvmuRamEvent
 CEvmuNewFileInfoProperties for creating a new file on flash
 CEvmuOperandsContains the decoded operands of an instruction
 CEvmuOscillatorSpecsContains technical specifications for a particular oscillator
 CEvmuPeripheralEmulated hardware component of an EvmuDevice
 CEvmuPeripheralClassGblClass structure for EvmuPeripherals
 CEvmuPicGblInstance structure for EvmuPic
 CEvmuPicClassGblClass structure for EvmuPic
 CEvmuRamGblInstance structure for EvmuPeripheral
 CEvmuRamClassGblClass structure for EvmuPeripheral
 CEvmuRomPeripheral managing ROM, firmware calls, and BIOS images
 CEvmuRomClassGblClass for EvmuRom
 CEvmuRootBlockFilesystem root FAT block
 CEvmuTimersGblInstance structure for EvmuTimers
 CEvmuTimersClassGblClass structure for EvmuTimers
 CEvmuTimestampFilesystem timestamp, stored in BCD format
 CEvmuVmiStructure of the .VMI file format
 CEvmuVmsStructure of the .VMS file header
 CEvmuWramGblInstance structure for EvmuWram
 CEvmuWramClassGblClass structure for EvmuPeripheralClass