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libElysianVMU 1.6.0
Full-featured, accurate, cross-platform library emulating the Dreamcast's Visual Memory Unit
CEvmuBattery | GblInstance structure for the battery peripheral |
CEvmuBatteryClass | GblClass VTable structure for EvmuBattery |
CEvmuBuzzer | Instance structure for Buzzer Peripheral |
CEvmuBuzzerClass | GblClass structure for EvmuBuzzer |
CEvmuClock | API for oscillators, clock sources, and timing |
CEvmuClockClass | GblClass structure for EvmuClock |
CEvmuClockEvent | GblEvent-derived type for clock-related events |
CEvmuClockEventClass | GblClass structure for EvmuClockEvent |
CEvmuClockStats | Contains information on the current satte of a particular clock |
CEvmuCpu | Sanyo LC86k CPU core |
CEvmuCpuClass | Class for Sanyo LC86k CPU core |
CEvmuDecodedInstruction | Represents an instruction which has been decoded |
CEvmuDevice | GblInstance structure for VMU Devices |
CEvmuDeviceClass | GblClass structure for EvmuDevice |
CEvmuDirEntry | Represents a single entry into the FAT directory |
CEvmuEmulator | Top-level module for emulator |
CEvmuEmulatorClass | GblClass structure for EvmuEmulator |
CEvmuFat | Peripheral providing 8-bit FAT API |
CEvmuFatClass | GblClass structure for EvmuFat |
CEvmuFatInfo | Matches maple attributes for describing storage medium |
CEvmuFatUsage | Struct used for querying current FAT block allocation status |
CEvmuFileManager | High-level file-oriented flash API |
CEvmuFileManagerClass | GblClass vtable structure for EvmuFileManager |
CEvmuFlash | EvmuFlash offers the lowest, hardware-level access to the VMU's flash storage |
CEvmuFlashClass | GblClass VTable structure for EvmuFlash |
CEvmuGamepad | Gamepad peripheral for managing button states |
CEvmuGamepadClass | GblClass VTable structure for EvmuGamepad |
CEvmuIBehavior | |
CEvmuIBehaviorClass | GblInterface/VTable for all EvmuBehaviors |
CEvmuIconData | Header structure for the ICONDATA_VMS special VMU file |
CEvmuIMemory | Interfaced type for generic read/write memory |
CEvmuIMemoryClass | GblClass structure for EvmuIMemory |
CEvmuInstruction | Contains a collection of bytes, representing an encoded instruction |
CEvmuInstructionFormat | Structrure describing the format of each type of instruction |
CEvmuLcd | EvmuLcd screen and framebuffer peripheral |
CEvmuLcdClass | GblClass for EvmuLcd |
CEvmuMemoryEvent | GblEvent-derived type for memory-related events |
CEvmuMemoryEventClass | GblClass structure for EvmuRamEvent |
CEvmuNewFileInfo | Properties for creating a new file on flash |
CEvmuOperands | Contains the decoded operands of an instruction |
CEvmuOscillatorSpecs | Contains technical specifications for a particular oscillator |
CEvmuPeripheral | Emulated hardware component of an EvmuDevice |
CEvmuPeripheralClass | GblClass structure for EvmuPeripherals |
CEvmuPic | GblInstance structure for EvmuPic |
CEvmuPicClass | GblClass structure for EvmuPic |
CEvmuRam | GblInstance structure for EvmuPeripheral |
CEvmuRamClass | GblClass structure for EvmuPeripheral |
CEvmuRom | Peripheral managing ROM, firmware calls, and BIOS images |
CEvmuRomClass | GblClass for EvmuRom |
CEvmuRootBlock | Filesystem root FAT block |
CEvmuTimers | GblInstance structure for EvmuTimers |
CEvmuTimersClass | GblClass structure for EvmuTimers |
CEvmuTimestamp | Filesystem timestamp, stored in BCD format |
CEvmuVmi | Structure of the .VMI file format |
CEvmuVms | Structure of the .VMS file header |
CEvmuWram | GblInstance structure for EvmuWram |
CEvmuWramClass | GblClass structure for EvmuPeripheralClass |