libElysianVMU 1.6.0
Full-featured, accurate, cross-platform library emulating the Dreamcast's Visual Memory Unit
No Matches
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 evmu_clock_event.hEvmuClockEvent and related API
 evmu_memory_event.hEvmuRamEvent and related API
 evmu_fat.hEvmuFat peripheral and FAT filesystem API
 evmu_file_manager.hEvmuFileManager software peripheral
 evmu_fs_utils.hEvmuDirEntry and common filesystem utilities
 evmu_icondata.hEvmuIconData: Header for the ICONDATA_VMS reserved file
 evmu_nexus.h.DCI and .DCM Nexus file formats
 evmu_vmi.hEvmuVmi: Decoding and encoding of the .VMI format
 evmu_vms.hEvmuVms: Decoding and encoding of the .VMS format
 evmu_address_space.hDefines for all known memory regions and addresses
 evmu_battery.hEvmuBattery BIOS monitor + low battery detection circuit
 evmu_buzzer.hEvmuBuzzer: Piezoelectric buzzer, PWM tone generation
 evmu_clock.hEvmuClock peripheral modeling oscillators and timing
 evmu_cpu.hEvmuCpu: Sanyo LC86k CPU Core
 evmu_device.hEvmuDevice top-level emulated entity
 evmu_flash.hEvmuFlash peripheral, 8-bit FAT filesystem API
 evmu_gamepad.hEvmuGamepad and Port 3 Button Management
 evmu_isa.hInstruction set, opcode, and operand info
 evmu_lcd.hEvmuLcd display circuit + back-end rendering signals
 evmu_pic.hEvmuPic programmable interrupt controller peripheral
 evmu_ram.hEvmuRam top-level memory BUS entity
 evmu_rom.hEvmuRom: External ROM chip, BIOS, Firmware routines
 evmu_sfr.hDefines and documentation for all known SFR fields
 evmu_timers.hEvmuTimers: BaseTimer, Timer0, and Timer1 Peripherals
 evmu_wave.hEvmuWave and waveform API
 evmu_wram.hEvmuWram: Work-RAM peripheral memory API
 evmu_emulator.hEvmuEmulator top-level emulation module
 evmu_ibehavior.hEvmuIBehavior interface for emulated entities
 evmu_imemory.hEvmuIMemory interface for generic memory access
 evmu_peripheral.hEvmuPeripheral base VMU component type
 evmu_typedefs.hDeclares common typedefs used throughout the codebase
 evmu_api.hTop-level defines for EVMU API macros